
Life Lessons

Life Lessons

News and updates about Life Lessons

Ethics of the Fathers:

Life in the Corridor

Our world is likened to a corridor that leads to a palace.

Life in the Corridor

Bitter ironies, bitter lessons, and self-hating Jews

The story of a Jew who rejected his identification with the Jewish nation. Needing to belong somewhere, he made common cause with the most vicious Jew-haters. A lesson for today. Op-ed.

Bitter ironies, bitter lessons, and self-hating Jews

Tanya/ Iggeres Ha’Kodesh - The Holy Epistle

The Tanya compacts four millennia of Jewish wisdom to answer the great personal and existential questions of life.

Tanya/ Iggeres Ha’Kodesh - The Holy Epistle

G-d Is calling

Life is not about me; life is about a much larger picture. If it were just me—what would it amount to? It is about G-d

G-d Is calling

Cycling group’s lesson 3 years ago led to a saved life today

Cycling group of fit, active men over 60 save one of their members during biking trip in desert canyon thanks to portable defribillator.

Cycling group’s lesson 3 years ago led to a saved life today

Baruch Nachshon z"l: Painting the future

Baruch Nachshon, renown Hebron artist, meets his Maker.

Baruch Nachshon z"l: Painting the future

Bring down the temperature

The Torah's distinction between turtledove and pigeon teaches us a lesson about loyalty, jealousy and zealotry.

Bring down the temperature

Weekly Tanya video\lecture: The Gate to Faith

The Tanya compacts four millennia of Jewish wisdom to answer the great personal and existential questions of life.

Weekly Tanya video\lecture: The Gate to Faith

"Make a living outside of Israel, or make a life in Israel"

Rabbi Nachman Kahane discusses life in Israel, the religious divide, and the murder of his brother, Rabbi Meir Kahane.

"Make a living outside of Israel, or make a life in Israel"

A revolutionary teacher of Torah for the newly religious

Rabbi Yitzchak Goldstein shares Diaspora Yeshiva's pre-1967 history.

A revolutionary teacher of Torah for the newly religious

Lenny Solomon: Music, Faith, Aliyah

Music Taps the divine pipeline: Lenny Solomon of Shlock Rock shares his thoughts on music, Aliyah, and 'converting' the secular to holy.

Lenny Solomon: Music, Faith, Aliyah

Church choir director now Orthodox Jew

Gayle Berman's journey: church music director, intermarriage, and Orthodox Judaism

Church choir director now Orthodox Jew

How an Egyptian girl discovered that she's Jewish

An Egyptian girl worked two years in a Jewish school. Years later she discovered she's also Jewish.

How an Egyptian girl discovered that she's Jewish

Judy Singer: A kidney to spare

Judy Singer wanted to volunteer her help, by giving a part of herself to someone in need.

Judy Singer: A kidney to spare

Legendary Israeli heroine Geulah Cohen tells her story

In memory of Geulah Cohen we rebroadcast an interview with her about the founding of Israel and her proudest moment in the Knesset.

Legendary Israeli heroine Geulah Cohen tells her story

Michelle Rojas Tal fights anti-Israel ignorance on campus

A young Puerto Rican American Jew learns activism for Israel through 9/11.

Michelle Rojas Tal fights anti-Israel ignorance on campus

This kibbutz is bringing back once-extinct Biblical plants

Guy Ehrlich's journey includes activism in secular rights, Jewish-Arab dialogue, and propagating plants used in the Holy Temple.

This kibbutz is bringing back once-extinct Biblical plants

Akiva Werber: Helping Anglos make Aliyah for 40 years

The Aliyah expert shares stories, advice and inspiration.

Akiva Werber: Helping Anglos make Aliyah for 40 years

Boaz Haetzni: From Hevron to Gush Katif to Homesh and beyond

Boaz Haetzni sheds light on landmark events in Israel's history.

Boaz Haetzni: From Hevron to Gush Katif to Homesh and beyond

The Sephardi Rabbi and the rapper

Rabbi Simon Benzaquen builds bridges in Jewish communities around the world.

The Sephardi Rabbi and the rapper

Beating cancer with joie de vivre and laughter

Ahava Emunah Lange manages to meet life's greatest challenges with an upbeat attitude and a sense of humor.

Beating cancer with joie de vivre and laughter

Lag Ba'Omer: The secrets of the bonfire

Judy Simon delves into Lag Ba'Omer and the bonfires. Gather round, Secrets revealed.

Lag Ba'Omer: The secrets of the bonfire

When kids find a new path: Love, love and more love

Batya Ruddell shares stories and advice for families of kids who have paved a new path.

When kids find a new path: Love, love and more love

Relax and get ready for Pesach

Chava Dumas teaches essential steps to make your Pesach preparations fun.

Relax and get ready for Pesach

The senior journalist shares almost a century of history

World's oldest active journalist: A7's own Walter Bingham. Listen to his life story woven with all the historical events of the last century

The senior journalist shares almost a century of history

Adversity: Spiritually uplifting and artistically inspiring

Marci Wiesel talks about how the most intense year of her life lifted her heart and improved her artwork.

Adversity: Spiritually uplifting and artistically inspiring

Small town girl finds a home

Ester Silvers found her "Over the Rainbow" in Shilo, Israel.

Small town girl finds a home

Once an Egyptian, now a Jew

An Egyptian girl worked two years in a Jewish school. Years later she discovered she's also a Jew.

Once an Egyptian, now a Jew

Exclusive: Hollywood screenwriter to Jewish filmmaker

Tzvi Fishman left the glittery Hollywood lifestyle to pursue the pure gold of the Torah and Israel, and he's still making films.

Exclusive: Hollywood screenwriter to Jewish filmmaker

Hellenism in the lead: What the Maccabees fought against

The dominant culture was all the rage. Hellenism seemed so right. What does Hanukkah really teach us?

Hellenism in the lead: What the Maccabees fought against

Child of the Holocaust, Surviving Every Day

Rabbi Joseph Polak was three years old when the Holocaust ended. His survival story is still unfolding.

Child of the Holocaust, Surviving Every Day

Lenny Ravich shares the secret to a happy life

Laughing to good health: Living in the moment and laughing your way to a better life.

Lenny Ravich shares the secret to a happy life

Yehudit Abrams: Bringing Early Detection Home

She created the MonitHer, and won first place in the WeWork start-up competition. But that's far from all.

Yehudit Abrams: Bringing Early Detection Home

The making of a pro-Israel activist

Eitan Behar combats anti-Semitism. His first lesson in activism was at the age of 15.

The making of a pro-Israel activist

The rabbi who never gives up on a child

Rabbi Eliezer Krakover on education, discipline, and loving every child.

The rabbi who never gives up on a child

How a Vietnam vet became a diver in Israel

Sender Bransome has seen it all and done it all, and proves that G-d created the world.

How a Vietnam vet became a diver in Israel

No more shame: Abuse and infidelity in the Jewish home

Even in the "best of homes" there may be secrets lurking. Shifra is a survivor.

No more shame: Abuse and infidelity in the Jewish home

Ari Goldwag: Gifts from G-d

The former child star of Miami Boys Choir talks about music, about overcoming fears, and about music from G-d.

Ari Goldwag: Gifts from G-d

The Fine Line Between Life and Death: The Hospital Rabbi

Rabbi Jason Weiner is a hospital chaplain. He guides people through intense moments in life, death, and everything in between.

The Fine Line Between Life and Death: The Hospital Rabbi

Beating BDS at its own game

Lev HaOlam sends 1,000 packages of made in Yesha products each month.

Beating BDS at its own game

The Satmar hasidim who chose to love the State of Israel

Different and loved ones: Joel is part of a small but growing group of hasidim who love Israel.

The Satmar hasidim who chose to love the State of Israel

Still in love after all these years

Writer Varda Eptein shared her life-long love affair with the Land of Israel.

Still in love after all these years

40 positive days for Israel

The 40-day challenge is a new idea, but its roots are in our Torah, and it may just become a yearly national challenge.

40 positive days for Israel

The neo-Nazi who changed my life

David Yehuda Yates shares tales of terror and miracles.

The neo-Nazi who changed my life

Chaya Malka Abramson: Trial By Fire

This superwoman saved her children and her grandmother from their burning home. Now she helps burn patients.

Chaya Malka Abramson: Trial By Fire

Touchdown: From the NFL to Torah

Yosef and Emunah Murray: Why did the ex-NFL player and his wife convert to Judaism?

Touchdown: From the NFL to Torah

Jews and the non-Jews who love them

When a non-Jew recognizes that the Torah is true, from whom do they learn Torah? Dr. Rivkah Lambert Adler has the answer.

Jews and the non-Jews who love them

Torah and the Big Bang in complete agreement

Professor Nathan Aviezer: Scientific evidence agrees with Torah regarding the creation of the universe.

Torah and the Big Bang in complete agreement

Football, the Military and Judaism

Avi Eastman's journey includes a conversion while serving in the US army in Germany

Football, the Military and Judaism

Can We Talk About Intimacy?

Rabbi Natan Alexander, teacher, counselor and author, says we need to learn to speak more openly about intimacy. It's in the Torah.

Can We Talk About Intimacy?

Americans for and in Jerusalem

Yisrael Medad came to Jerusalem to study in 1967, and found himself in the middle of a war.

Americans for and in Jerusalem

Chaya Ben Baruch: Mom or Angel?

In addition to raising ten children, half of whom have Down Syndrome, Chaya Ben Baruch has also donated a kidney to a stranger.

Chaya Ben Baruch: Mom or Angel?

The Internet quiz that led me from Christianity to Judaism

Malynnda Littky's journey from an inner-city black child to an Israeli Jew.

The Internet quiz that led me from Christianity to Judaism

Painting the future: Baruch Nachshon, holy artist

Baruch Nachshon, artist extraordinaire, discusses his paintings, Jewish art, and living in Hevron.

Painting the future: Baruch Nachshon, holy artist

Dancing through tears

One mother's unusual method of commemorating her daughter's death through an evening of dance.

Dancing through tears

Jew by choice: Conversation with a convert

A fascinating interview with a Vietnam era American who moved to Israel and converted to Judaism.

Jew by choice: Conversation with a convert

Meet the real Rabbi Shlomo Riskin

The rabbi who founded the city of Efrat is sometimes seen as controversial. Meet the real Rabbi Riskin.

Meet the real Rabbi Shlomo Riskin

Nehora: Lighting Up Tel Aviv

Rabbi Amichai Ayal went from teaching Torah in a pub to teaching in the heart of secular Israel. And the crowd is thirsty for Torah...

Nehora: Lighting Up Tel Aviv

Living on after burying a child

Arthur Rabinovitz shares his raw pain at mourning the death of his child.

Living on after burying a child

The rabbi for a cleaner web

Rabbi Yaniv Hanya accidentally discovered the extent of religious youth dabbling in dangerous internet. He decided to do something about it.

The rabbi for a cleaner web