
Pinchas: When the only path to peace is through the spear

Pinchas understood that fighting to eradicate evil is the only path to real and lasting peace and security.

Pinchas: When the only path to peace is through the spear

The Mission Statement of Judaism

"One sheep you shall offer in the morning and the second sheep in the afternoon." The verse that says it all.

The Mission Statement of Judaism

Le’David Barchi Nafshi:

An eternal message in the story of Tzelafchad's daughters

We can find the proper way to serve God through this parsha, which includes wording that can lead one to believe mistakenly that the Torah has been changed on account of this appeal of the daughters of Tzelafchad.

An eternal message in the story of Tzelafchad's daughters

Pinchas: Are politicians really in it for us?

Parshat Pinchas reminds us that leaders can – and must – put their nations’ interests above their own.

Pinchas: Are politicians really in it for us?

The day the world began to die

When is the moment that can be pinpointed as the beginning of one’s death process?

The day the world began to die

Pinchas: Going against your grain

The question is how did Pinchas’ act of violence restore peace?

Pinchas: Going against your grain

Personal Growth series II

When we lose faith in ourselves

Though humility is an important character trait, when applied in excess, it leads to sin.

When we lose faith in ourselves

Watch: Tanya video/lecture on the Holy Epistle

The Tanya compacts four millennia of Jewish wisdom to answer the great personal and existential questions of life. It has revolutionized the way we think about G -d the human soul, the world and our place in it.

Watch: Tanya video/lecture on the Holy Epistle

Cosmic justice and the Biden/Harris administration

Most of the time, we do not see the wicked getting punished for their oppression and lies, but there are exceptions in our lifetime.

Cosmic justice and the Biden/Harris administration

17th of Tammuz:

The Tablets were broken

Although a terrible event, there were also good things that occurred as a result of the breaking of the Tablets - and in the last ten months.

The Tablets were broken

17th of Tammuz:

The Torah reading on the fast day

This reading conntains the message which we so desperately need in our times of disaster – the times of disaster which begin with the 17th of Tammuz.

The Torah reading on the fast day

Torah Mitzion:

17th of Tammuz - The dilemma of two Jews on a desert island

Unity or division - which will it be?

17th of Tammuz - The dilemma of two Jews on a desert island

Another look at parashat Balak: The prohibition against sorcery

There are people who have special spiritual abilities to see and sense beyond the norm.

Another look at parashat Balak: The prohibition against sorcery

Matan Emunah Essay:

The mosaic of our lives: cherishing our broken pieces

Tammuz is a time of brokenness. It’s a month where the luchot habrit were broken. The walls of Jerusalem were broken.

The mosaic of our lives: cherishing our broken pieces

Personal growth series, part I:

The significance of our actions

Humans are the only ones who believe that their lives are supposed to matter and, thus, the only ones who become depressed when they feel they are not impactful.

The significance of our actions

Israel's 1st Chief Rabbi:

Psalm 19: Elevating life through prayer

“May the words of my mouth... be acceptable” are words of deep significance. Where is the best place to say them in the prayer service?

Psalm 19: Elevating life through prayer

Stalin vs. Schneersohn

97 years later: Who won?

Stalin vs. Schneersohn

Parashat Balak: The angel’s sword

The donkey, Joshua, and King David all see the sword שְׁלוּפָה (unsheathed) in the angel’s hand. Bil’am, too, sees the sword שְׁלֻפָה (unsheathed) in the angel’s hand.

Parashat Balak: The angel’s sword

Eretz Yisrael in the Parsha:

Balak: Yaakov and Yisrael - two levels

Religious Zionist Torah scholars find the connections between each Torah portion read on Shabbat and the Land of Israel.

Balak: Yaakov and Yisrael - two levels

Cracking open the Jewish Code

Parts Vand VI. Links to previous parts are below.

Cracking open the Jewish Code

Balak: Beware politicians who talk much, but do little

That he couldn’t win the war was irrelevant to Bilaam; what was relevant was that he could keep the game going, gaining more money, fame and honor as it progressed. Like Arafat and Sinwar did.

Balak: Beware politicians who talk much, but do little

The fine print of the Jews' right to Israel

Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the others that claim to be connected to Yishmael are demanding the land of Yisrael in contradiction to the fact that Yishmael severed all ties with Avraham, including any rights to the holy land. Read how this occurred.

The fine print of the Jews' right to Israel

When a donkey speaks....it is telling us something

The opening of the donkey's mouth teaches us the basic lesson of the entire story.

When a donkey speaks....it is telling us something

Le’David Barchi Nafshi:

Agony and tribulations are part of Jewish history from the start

Our tribulations bring our people to the requisite question: Why have we endured so much suffering? What is the central reason we have experienced so much pain?

Agony and tribulations are part of Jewish history from the start

Rabbi Shimshon Refael Hirsch:

Balak: Our moral core

Bilaam couldn’t harm us, but our own misbehavior did.

Balak: Our moral core

Amulets according to Jewish law

In ancient times, all doctors believed that amulets could aid in healing, The Sages of Israel did not dispute this, and permitted their use, provided they did not contain anything forbidden, As for protection, what about soldiers today?

Amulets according to Jewish law

Cracking open the Jewish Code

An essay on the foundations of Judaism in six parts. This is Part IV - links to previous parts are below.

Cracking open the Jewish Code

Watch: Tanya video/lecture: The Holy Epistle

The Tanya compacts four millennia of Jewish wisdom to answer the great personal and existential questions of life. It has revolutionized the way we think about G -d the human soul, the world and our place in it.

Watch: Tanya video/lecture: The Holy Epistle

The Supreme Court of Israel confronts the Haredim

Irresistible force hits an immovable object as service in the IDF becomes a flashpoint in the confrontation between secular liberal society in Israel and the refusal of the traditionalist Haredim to comply.

The Supreme Court of Israel confronts the Haredim

Zion is the cure

Imagine where Israel would be now had world Jewry opted out of Museums for dead Jews and opted for investment in living Jews, opting out of institutions and into growing the Heartland of Shomron and Yehudah.

Zion is the cure

Three stars

Perhaps today. Perhaps tonight.

Three stars

Cracking open the Jewish Code

An essay on the foundations of Judaism in six parts. This is Part III - links to parts I and II below.

Cracking open the Jewish Code

Israel's 1st Chief Rabbi:

Chukat: Even in the Hour of Death

Why did the rabbis emphasize Torah study in every situation, even on one’s deathbed?

Chukat: Even in the Hour of Death

Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch:

Chukat: A boy can do it

We’re all born with free will to choose right from wrong.

Chukat: A boy can do it

Eretz Yisrael in the Parsha:

Why was Moshe's punishment not entering the Land of Israel?

Moshe is compared to the sun, while Yehoshua to the moon.

Why was Moshe's punishment not entering the Land of Israel?

A finger on the pulse of our generation

Why was Moses denied The Promised Land?

A finger on the pulse of our generation

Le’David Barchi Nafshi:

The tragic substitute for not speaking to the rock

The nation of Israel keeps falling into a poor state of faith, even though its entire existence in the desert is nothing but an obvious miracle. Since Moses and Aaron do not elevate the people's faith by talking to the rock, another measure is needed.

The tragic substitute for not speaking to the rock

Parashat Chukkat: A new generation

Our generation is the generation that was born and raised in Israel, unbowed by exile. And we have demonstrated our determination to win the war and rescue our captives. This week's parasha is the precedent.

Parashat Chukkat: A new generation

"This is the statute of the Torah": Chukat haTorah

Questions and answers of rabbinic commentators on the idea of laws for which we have no reason.

"This is the statute of the Torah": Chukat haTorah

Chukat: Lift up, don’t put down

It turns out that Rashi and Nachmanides are not arguing about Moses' misstep with the rock. They were both right

Chukat: Lift up, don’t put down

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

The best way to influence people

People will most likely be influenced by you, if they know that you love them.

The best way to influence people

Torah Mitzion:

Behavior and consequences

A close look at this parasha shows the importance of behaving well.

Behavior and consequences

Cracking open the Jewish Code. Part II

An essay on the foundations of Judaism in six parts.

Cracking open the Jewish Code. Part II


Supporting Rabbis through Trumot and Maasrot

The commandment of giving tithes and offerings from agricultural produce is intended to maintain the spiritual-religious dimension in the People of Israel through the priests and Levites, whose role is to engage in Torah study and education.

Supporting Rabbis through Trumot and Maasrot

Three decades on, his voice still rings

As we prepare to mark the Rebbe’s thirtieth yahrzeit, while our brethren in the Holy Land are still at war, I find myself revisiting the meaningful and mystical relationship the Rebbe harbored with Israel and Her people.

Three decades on, his voice still rings

Gimmel Tammuz:

Watch: Tanya/ Iggeret Hakodesh - The Holy Epistle

The Tanya compacts four millennia of Jewish wisdom to answer the great personal and existential questions of life. It has revolutionized the way we think about G -d the human soul, the world and our place in it.

Watch: Tanya/ Iggeret Hakodesh - The Holy Epistle

A request from Anat Meir, widowed on October 7th: Pray with us

All women are invited to come or to pray wherever you are. All of us want peace, tranquility, security, and clarity, and I have no doubt that our prayers have an extremely powerful impact.

A request from Anat Meir, widowed on October 7th: Pray with us

A bright scenario

A belief-based view provides balance and comfort even in the moments in which we fear war in the north.

A bright scenario

Cracking open the Jewish Code. Part I

An essay on the foundations of Judaism in six parts.

Cracking open the Jewish Code. Part I

We are the people of the Book. Why do we not act like it?

When have you heard public invocation of the biblical verses where He promised Eretz Yisrael to Am Yisrael? Or reasoning using them as bases?

We are the people of the Book.  Why do we not act like it?

The sons of Korach

Korach condemns so many of today’s Torah-leaders. Torah-leaders who look with equanimity at the exile, Torah-leaders who are perfectly content remaining in exile, But not his sons.

The sons of Korach

Different groups, different motivation

When an organization is coming with a certain demand, is this a clear black and white issue? Or, are their true interests hidden from view?

Different groups, different motivation

Israel's 1st Chief Rabbi:

Korach: Separating and Connecting

Why indeed should only the Levites and the kohanim serve in the Temple? Why not open up the service of God to the entire nation?

Korach: Separating and Connecting

Eretz Yisrael in the Parsha:

What comes first, Redemption or Repentance?

In the process of redemption, what comes first: ingathering of the exiles or purification?

What comes first, Redemption or Repentance?

The test

A selection of commentaries weighing in on the meaning of the almond branch blossoming staff test.

The test

Where others saw the end, he saw the beginning

In Tribute to the Lubavitcher Rebbe, for his 30th yartzeit.

Where others saw the end, he saw the beginning

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