The Matan Kahana miracle
Authoritative rabbinic leaders and Chief Rabbis from everywhere asked him to drop the conversion reforms, but he refused. Op-ed..
Authoritative rabbinic leaders and Chief Rabbis from everywhere asked him to drop the conversion reforms, but he refused. Op-ed..
After Min. Kahana visits US, rabbis from major American Jewish organizations warn conversion reform will 'divide Israelis even further.'
Shmulik Silman, husband of MK Idit Silman, says, 'Everyone has red lines, she won't sell her portion in the World to Come.'
Conversion plan to be approved by government in coming weeks, implemented before Knesset vote.
Minister Ayelet Shaked tells delegation: No changes in Western Wall status quo unless accepted by all.
A short story. It is as if the politicians said: For every Jewish baby you bring into the world, we will make Instant Jews out of 100 goyim.
Shas party's Council of Torah Sages publishes letter calling on rabbis to join conference protesting conversion reforms.
There are hundreds of thousands of non-Jewish Israelis not interested in a halakhic conversion or a lifestyle of any Torah observance.Op-ed.
'We won't always agree, but we're not trying to be contrarian to you,' PM Bennett tells MK Meir Porush.
The Supreme Court has ruled on conversion, a topic which is not theirs to decide. Opinion.
Internal Yamina confrontation over bill initiated by Minister Aryeh Deri that states Israel will only recognize state conversion system.
Religious Zionist rabbis warn disqualifying conversion law formulated by former Minister Moshe Nissim would strengthen Reform conversions.
Constitution, Law and Justice Committee Chair asked to apply 'continuity law' to proposal allowing city rabbis to perform conversions.
Leading Religious Zionist rabbis sign declaration of support for PM after Reform, Conservative outcry over Kotel Plan and Conversion Law.
Nearly 2/3 of Israelis think municipal rabbis should be allowed to perform conversions.
President of Jewish Federation of Chicago says organization will refuse to host any MK who votes in favor of conversion bill.
Techno music accompanies unofficial UTJ clip featuring scintillating foosball action... don't miss it.
Stern tells Arutz Sheva about his controversial conversion reforms - and why he thinks Chief Rabbinate may be forced to concede.
Efrat Rabbi slams conversion law critics, accuses them of pushing people away instead of following commandment to love converts.
All of the ministers except Jewish Home's Uri Ariel voted in favor of allowing local rabbinical conversion courts.
Housing Minister Uri Ariel requests additional budget of NIS 45 million, including funds to help converts prove their Jewishness.
Knesset expected to ratify less extreme version of bill Sunday that doesn't recognize reform conversion.
Hatnua and Yesh Atid support appeal against Arab MK Zoabi's Knesset ban in return for Arab vote for controversial Conversion Bill.
Bill submitted for Monday vote, with rabbis warning it will prevent conversions being recognized in Israel and abroad.
Chief Rabbis won't give recognition for conversions under new bill that removes their supervision, after world rabbis say the same.
Constitutional Committee rejects appeal by religious parties to revise controversial bill.
MK Rabbi Ben Dahan says if Hatnua brings Conversion Bill to a vote, Jewish Home will have to leave coalition.
Netanyahu's move to shelve conversion liberalization wins him accolades from Chief Sephardic Rabbi.
Jewish Home MK says Netanyahu 'preferred the unity of the Jewish people to the unity of the coalition'.
Speculations rampant that Netanyahu's shelving of Conversion Bill is meant to strengthen alliance with hareidim ahead of new elections.
Prime Minister torpedoes bill sponsored by Tzipi Livni's party following heavy pressure from hareidim. Will Livni leave the coalition?
Dept. Minister of Religions, MK Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan, says there is only one way to diffuse the crisis threatening to split the Jewish world.
Chief Rabbi David Lau meets with rabbis in London, who tell him controversial new conversion bill threatens to split Jewish world.
Netanyahu and Bennett agree that Conversion Bill will not pass against wishes of Jewish Home.
MK Motti Yogev pleads with bill's author, MK Elazar Stern, to rethink establishment of independent religious courts.
MK Moshe Gafni demands Reform Movement head Gilad Kariv be removed from stormy committee meeting for 'hutzpah'.
Jewish Home MKs say if bill presented by MK Stern is approved, they'll start voting against the Coalition, at least until next week.
Livni’s party agreed to back three controversial bills in exchange for govt. support for its own contested legislation.
Deputy minister says hareidi MKs ‘upset’ over bill they themselves approved, claims they are simply 'looking for a fight'.