American rabbis come out against conversion reform
After Min. Kahana visits US, rabbis from major American Jewish organizations warn conversion reform will 'divide Israelis even further.'
After Min. Kahana visits US, rabbis from major American Jewish organizations warn conversion reform will 'divide Israelis even further.'
Converts to Judaism write to Chief Rabbi Lau after he refuses to sign conversion certificates in fight against government conversion reform.
Shmulik Silman, husband of MK Idit Silman, says, 'Everyone has red lines, she won't sell her portion in the World to Come.'
Minister Kahana rejects criticisms, accuses Liberman of refusing to meet with him to iron out differences.
Minister Kahana's bill, written with help of senior religious Zionist rabbis, stipulates conversions must be done according to Torah law.
"A Jew is someone who commits to Torah observance, regardless of any legislation the Knesset may pass."
Dr. Shuki Friedman: "The trend towards private religious services raises the question- do we need a chief rabbinate?"
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed shares today his support for the new conversion outline, hoping it will bring more Jews closer to Torah and Mitzvot.
Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana expected to meet with chief rabbis in coming days, to discuss conversion reform.
Is Bayit Yehudi going to take a stand on the ever deepening split in Religious Zionist ranks on religious matters?
Stern tells Arutz Sheva about his controversial conversion reforms - and why he thinks Chief Rabbinate may be forced to concede.
Efrat Rabbi slams conversion law critics, accuses them of pushing people away instead of following commandment to love converts.