Personal Growth series:
We got it
We possess all the resources we truly need within ourselves. Our growth and our mission in this world are squarely within our grasp.
We possess all the resources we truly need within ourselves. Our growth and our mission in this world are squarely within our grasp.
"What am I here for?" is a question that every Jew should ask themselves every day and every year, and reinforced during the month of Elul, and even more so on Rosh Chodesh Elul 2024.
Parshas Re’eh is the Shabbos that blesses the month of Elul. The sublime revelation of the Yomim Noraim is like being in the presence of Hashem in the Beis Hamikdash.
The Sara Litton z”l Monthly Emunah Essay.
What does it mean, did I not really want what I thought I wanted?
King David, too, experienced numerous troubles throughout his life.
Are you prepared? Are you ready?
What is the cause of two traits that we see so often and must try to overcome?
This Torah portion lists more mitzvot than any other parasha, 77 out of the 613 total mitzvot that are included in the Torah.
What the line "have hope in Hashem" in the last verse of the psalm we say during this period means.
Take the time in Elul to contemplate the messages in the Rosh Hashanah Amidah will make this entire month and season more meaningful.
This month is identified with a desire for self-improvement and change. The shofar blown each morning is a wakeup call.
These are the calls of Elul, Rosh Hashana, and Yom Kippur - awaken to your responsibilities, as the Rambam writes (Tshuva chapter 3).
Western Wall heritage foundation calls on all parties to obey the rules at the holy site on Rosh Chodesh Elul.
In which areas of life -- during this blessed time -- has our potential yet to be fulfilled?
It is the month of Elul, and it is time. For our spirits to soar upward. For our feet to remember in which direction they wish to walk.
In Elul, our biggest concerns should be goiing back to school, menus and guest lists, not fear and hiding a Star of David necklace. Op-ed.
The boy was rushed to the hospital to receive tests, and it was determined that he is suffering from cancer.
Every Jew has a safe space to which they can retreat. A Rosh Chodesh essay for the month of mercy and forgiveness.
The mourning required during Tammuz and Av was for the physical exile and will end through a physical act of return.
Three mnemonics filled with messages for the word Elul.
In our personal lives, the broken and the potential for wholeness exist together.Will we be dazzled by the promise or blinded by the dark?
Here we are again, not having met our past aspirations. What can we do to be more successful in the coming year?
Israel's third president told a story about Rav Kook that is especially appropriate on his yahrzeit.
Elul 3 is the yahrzeit of the Torah Luminary who is the source of the ethos of Religious Zionism. Who was he? Who was his son?
Rosh Chodesh Elul is the beginning of the month of mercy and forgiveness leading up to the High Holydays.
Welcoming the month of Elul: You were always on my mind.
In the very fragility of life lies the mystery, the wonder, the hope, the light.
Poetry and Prayer at a time of divine concealment when our very souls pleaded:: Hear O Lord - Israel Your people, Israel is one!.
This is what the traditional Selichot prayers at the Western Wall look like during the coronavirus pandemic.
Short topics in Judaism: Wandering Jew, Pirkei Avot, Elul
Perhaps Elul should signal a new direction for us to take, especially for this coming year.
Beginning Friday, we will say Psalm 27 each day until Hoshana Rabba. This year it will have special meaning.
The message behind a famous story, ethics vs. morals and a word about the month of Elul on our doorstep.
The text in the Torah portion of Re’Eh begins with words that in their striking difference teaches us much of our journey in this world
In honor of month of Elul, yeshiva releases song: "Hear our voice." Words taken from Shmona Esrei prayer, music by Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach.
Israeli singer's new album includes songs with a pre-High Holiday vibe, including the titular song of the album: Elul Tsha"t.
We all want different things in life, but at the root of all of is one thing: Peace of mind.
Worshipers from all over Israel as well as the US and Canada pray at graves of biblical leaders of ancient Israel in Samaria.
An elderly man returned clock to furniture store which he said he stole 28 years ago. He asked for "forgiveness and atonement" for his act.
Residents of the Old City of Jerusalem can't sleep for an entire month. They find it unforgivable.
Women of the Wall are holding a shofar-blowing seminar to teach "women and girls to experience their Judaism without intermediaries."
Sights and sounds: Worshipers flock to Western Wall for first night of penitential prayers leading up to High Holy Days.
Friendship prevails in the latest viral video from Naftali Kalfa, this time guest starring Israeli sensation Gad Elbaz.
The two day New Year Holiday begins tonight and Shabbat Shuva makes it a three day continuum. Arutz Sheva wishes you a good and sweet year.
Jews around the world gathered on Sunday for first-ever global Shofar FlashMob, a two-minute shofar blowing and call for repentance.
The Hebrew year has entered its final month, Elul: a period of soul-searching, penitence and renewal.