The Haruv and Duvdevan units, Shin Bet, and Military Police completed an operation last night that lasted over 20 hours in the Tulkarem area of the Menashe Division.
During the operation, the forces destroyed three explosives laboratories and engineering forces uncovered a number of explosives buried under the shafts.
In an exchange of fire, the IDF eliminated an armed terrorist and arrested six other wanted persons. In addition, the forces located and confiscated dozens of weapon parts and military equipment, and searched over 60 buildings in the area.
During an operation in the Dahariya area of the Yehuda Division, the soldiers arrested a man who was wanted for helping the terrorist who carried out the attack in Gan Yavne.
In the Hawara region of the Shomron Division, the IDF arrested a wanted man and located and confiscated tens of thousands of Shekels of terrorist funds.
In the El Bira area of the Binyamin Division, the IDF confiscated means for producing propaganda materials for terrorist organizations.
The arrested people were transferred for further investigation by the security forces and no casualties were reported to our forces.
Since the beginning of the war, about 4,000 wanted persons have been arrested throughout the Judea and Samaria Division and the Bik’a and Valleys Division, about 1,700 of whom are affiliated with the Hamas terrorist organization.