News and updates about Seder

The four answers

The Haggadah presents four questions that are really answers presented in typical Jewish fashion. Jews often answer a question with a question, don't they?

The four answers

Beyond memory: The living legacy of the Seder

The experiences and the commitments of thousands of years are etched into our psyche today and are as relevant and binding as they were as the time that they originally happened.

Beyond memory: The living legacy of the Seder


Freed nine-year-old Emily Hand sings 'Ma Nishtana'

Nine-year-old Emily Hand, who was held hostage by Hamas and freed after 50 days, takes part in Kibbutz Be'eri Seder, sings "Ma Nishtana" with other children.

Freed nine-year-old Emily Hand sings 'Ma Nishtana'

For the first time

Public Seder to be held in pro-Russian Transnistria region

80 years after the destruction of the Jewish communities in the pro-Russian Transnistrian region of Moldova, a public Seder will be held this evening for the first time in the region according to tradition.

Public Seder to be held in pro-Russian Transnistria region

Public diplomacy video:

The empty chair at the Passover Seder

Prime Minister's Office National Public Diplomacy Directorate launches new video seeking to raise awareness of the hostages being held by Hamas: No family in the world should celebrate like this.

The empty chair at the Passover Seder

The Four Cups of Freedom and the Joy of Redemption

Our Sages instituted the drinking of four cups of wine on the Seder night, so that joy and celebration would accompany all the stages of the Seder.

The Four Cups of Freedom and the Joy of Redemption

From the Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

Readings for your Seder table 5784

A series of readings to choose from for your Seder table, offering an opportunity to highlight important themes for Israel and the Jewish people in these challenging times.

Readings for your Seder table 5784

Seder gems

This Passover, discover your true light. 3333 years later, we still remember.

Seder gems

Sharansky’s Seder Night Lesson

We look for G-d’s presence not in the life of the individual, but in the life of the nation – what G-d does for us as a people.

Sharansky’s Seder Night Lesson

The nights as well

How do we lead a life so as to be worthy of the freedom we have been given?

The nights as well

Montrealers struggle to celebrate Passover without power

Severe ice storm leaves Jews with no electricity leaving community to find creative solutions to observe the holiday.

Montrealers struggle to celebrate Passover without power

'So that you may relate in the ears of your son'

The message of the Exodus as seen by Torah commentators from the Riva to the Slonimer Rebbe.

'So that you may relate in the ears of your son'

Episcopalian Bishop bans Christian Passover seders

Missouri clergyman instructs his diocese not to hold Christian seders, saying they advance belief Christians have replaced Jews.

Episcopalian Bishop bans Christian Passover seders

The Daily Portion / The Seder proves there is order in the world

Once a year we perpetuate this order as we renew the commitment to our ancient and eternal faith.

The Daily Portion / The Seder proves there is order in the world

Two seders - two worlds

Next year in Jerusalem is not “only a song,” it was the dream, hope and prayer of Jews for 2000 years and fulfilled in our time.

Two seders - two worlds

Putting the Seder in perspective

The fourth son brings an important message that guides our lives.

Putting the Seder in perspective

The Daily Portion / But what about the current situation?*

in the end, those who have sought to destroy us disappeared into the dustbin of history, while we are still here and thriving.

The Daily Portion / But what about the current situation?*

Freeing the mind

It is not so simple to go from bondage to freedom.

Freeing the mind

A Tale of Two Cities – two worlds

Excerpt from the writer's book "With all your might." Two families, two Seders, one nation.

 A Tale of Two Cities – two worlds

In every generation: Insights from around the Seder table

There are two and only two places where the Haggadah uses the expression, “in every generation.” What is the connection between them?

In every generation:  Insights from around the Seder table

Four Questions to the government of Israel

PM Bennett, the four questions at the Seder are meant to involve the children. Look at what the PA does to involve its children. Op-ed..

Four Questions to the government of Israel

Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s Passover message

There may be a higher wisdom in that a man takes something from the past without question, without curiosity as to causes or effects. Op-ed.

Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s Passover message

Four sweet-faced IDF soldiers

What happened to the four sweet-faced soldiers who rinsed lettuce for the IDF Seder with me? Op-ed

Four sweet-faced IDF soldiers

Pres. Herzog to host new immigrants from Ukraine on Passover

The festive table has been laid with an emphasis on products by Israeli designers, with haggadahs from the Mental Health Association.

Pres. Herzog to host new immigrants from Ukraine on Passover

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

Pesach: Are you thirsty without knowing it?

How do you enable a person to come and partake of the Pesach experience if they have no desire; if they feel no need, no thirst?

Pesach: Are you thirsty without knowing it?

When the Seder is on Friday night

How to manage a Seder on Shabbat - and a primer for the holiday.

When the  Seder is on Friday night

'Matza and maror before them' – Halakhically mandated props

Seder night is reliving a great story, becoming part of the night it all started. Read here about its meaning and foundations of our faith.

'Matza and maror before them' – Halakhically mandated props

Tevye's Seder

For your holiday reading pleasure, a chapter from the novel, “Arise and Shine!” (volume 2) of the “Tevye in the Promised Land” trilogy.

Tevye's Seder

Are you ready to convert?

The biggest challenge of the seder is not drinking 4 cups of wine or eating all that matza. It is fulfilling the crucial goal set here.

Are you ready to convert?

A Seder thought from Rav Shimon Schwab

When does the miracle of redemption begin? You may be surprised at the answer.

A Seder thought from Rav Shimon Schwab

Will Biden restore Obama's White House Passover Seder?

A tongue-in-cheek spoof of an imaginary Seder in the Biden White House, attended by the many government members of Jewish origin. Op-ed.

Will Biden restore Obama's White House Passover Seder?

How to avoid tension at the Seder

Advice for parents worried about convincing children to take part in halakhically mandated parts of the Seder.

How to avoid tension at the Seder

Office of the Chief Rabbi

The quest for curiosity jump-started at the seder

People conventionally understand the seder to be about getting the children to ask questions. But it goes deeper than that.

The quest for curiosity jump-started at the seder

Rabbi Melamed: 'Not hard days, challenging days'

Beit El yeshiva head talks about dealing with crisis: 'We keep distance and obey G-d's will, and don't meet with one another.'

Rabbi Melamed: 'Not hard days, challenging days'

Israelis sing 'Ma Nishtana' from their balconies

Despite coronavirus lockdown, Israelis find way to share festive communal spirit on seder night.

Israelis sing 'Ma Nishtana' from their balconies

The story of the last 'Seder' in the Warsaw Ghetto

As we head into 'Carona Passover 2020,' hear a touching account of Jews unwilling to miss Seder in the Warsaw Ghetto 70 years ago.

The story of the last 'Seder' in the Warsaw Ghetto

Gabi Ashkenazi in Bnei Brak: 'We're doing exciting, holy work'

Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Chairman meets with Bnei Brak Mayor and city emergency Chief of Staff Gen. (Res.) Roni Numa.

Gabi Ashkenazi in Bnei Brak: 'We're doing exciting, holy work'

Coronavirus: 57 dead, 8,904 known infected

Death toll from coronavirus in Israel rises to 57, while number of diagnosed patients is 8,904.

Coronavirus: 57 dead, 8,904 known infected

Netanyahu announces lockdown until Friday

Closure to last from 4 pm tomorrow until 7 AM Friday. Citizens will not be allowed to leave their homes on Seder night.

Netanyahu announces lockdown until Friday

Deri: Curfew on Seder night

Interior Minister says Israelis will not be allowed to leave their homes on the first night of Passover.

Deri: Curfew on Seder night

When the Lubavitcher Rebbe self-quarantined for the Seder

When the Lubavitcher Rebbe self-quarantined for the Seder

A letter from your neighborhood doctor

A letter from your neighborhood doctor

Chief Rabbi, Tzomet head attack ruling permitting virtual Seder

'It's a shame that they misled the public,' said Chief Rabbi Lau in response to letter permitting use of Zoom to conduct a virtual Seder

Chief Rabbi, Tzomet head attack ruling permitting virtual Seder

The Koren Youth Haggada: Much, much more than the Four Questions

The Koren Youth Haggada: Much, much more than the Four Questions

President Trump, Dayenu, It would have been enough. . .

President Trump, Dayenu, It would have been enough. . .

A seat at the table: Disability inclusion at the Passover Seder

A seat at the table: Disability inclusion at the Passover Seder

A modern Passover

Refresh your ancient Passover traditions with colorful and modern ideas from Israel.

A modern Passover

The Honduran diplomat found the 'Afikoman'

Ahead of Passover, Israel branch of the World Jewish Congress hosts model seder for foreign ambassadors.

The Honduran diplomat found the 'Afikoman'

3,000 guests attend Passover seder in central Moscow

Seders held in all 36 Chabad Houses scattered throughout Moscow, in all yeshivas and public institutions, even in Moscow's Butyrka prison.

3,000 guests attend Passover seder in central Moscow

Flight cancellation nearly causes family to miss Passover seder

This family’s New York-Miami flight was cancelled right before Passover.

Flight cancellation nearly causes family to miss Passover seder

Leap over mountains this Passover

The Seder night will be completely different for you, if you listen to the critical pre-Seder insights of Rabbi Shlomo Katz.

Leap over mountains this Passover

60 UN ambassadors attend Danon's pre-Passover Seder

'In an age when the UN tries to put into question the Jewish claim to Jerusalem it is important to know the 3,500 year history of the Jews.'

60 UN ambassadors attend Danon's pre-Passover Seder

A step by step primer of Passover laws 5778

A step by step primer of Passover  laws 5778

Having the Seder at home

Having the Seder at home

Fined for singing 'Ma Nishtana' on Passover?

Haredi family fined for noise during Seder night in Bnei Brak, prompting appeal by MK Eichler.

Fined for singing 'Ma Nishtana' on Passover?

Celebrating the Exodus with those still leaving Egypt

1,600 Ethiopian immigrants celebrated at the largest Passover seder in Israel. 'We felt like it was the Exodus.'

Celebrating the Exodus with those still leaving Egypt

White House to host Passover Seder

Trump administration to continue tradition of hosting Seder at the White House.

White House to host Passover Seder

Preparing for the 'highest seder in the world'

Chabad emissaries in Kathmandu will host 1,500 Jews for the seder, while 200 backpackers will attend a seder in the middle of the Himalayas.

Preparing for the 'highest seder in the world'

Chad Gadya: Should G-d have killed the angel of death?

Social lesson, historical saga, or the story of our lives? Three ways to look at the classic song everyone loves to sing at the Seder's end.

Chad Gadya: Should G-d have killed the angel of death?

Converts practice Pesach Seder

Converts practice Pesach Seder