
Rabbi Nachman Kahana

News and updates about Rabbi Nachman Kahana

The Parsha and Current Events:

Sudden and extreme changes

Something big is happening now in our world; changes which are on a Biblical scale.

Sudden and extreme changes

The Parsha and Current Events:

A many splendored thing

To love being Jewish is to strive to be as close to Hashem as humanly possible. And to be close to Hashem means to live in the land He gave the Jewish people.

A many splendored thing

Chayei Sarah:

The Parsha and Current Events: Four eulogies

On the 34th Yahrzeit (18th of Cheshvan) of my brother Ha’Rav Meir David Kahana z"l

The Parsha and Current Events: Four eulogies

The Parsha and Current Events:

Virtue and deficiency

A significant portion of the Dutch population remains passive and even hostile towards Jews, maintaining virulent anti-Semitic sentiments. That explains what has occurred on a deeper level.

Virtue and deficiency

Lech Lecha:

The Parsha and Current Events: What Trump could mean for Israel

Beware becoming too intertwined with America.

The Parsha and Current Events: What  Trump could mean for Israel

The parsha and current events: Haredi draft

We who make up the chosen people of Hashem are now being put to the test to see who will take part in the grand master plan of the restoration of the glory of Hashem and His nation in Eretz Yisrael.

The parsha and current events: Haredi draft

When the Jewish Nation is blessed, all humanity is blessed

“And all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Bereishiet 12,2-3).

When the Jewish Nation is blessed, all humanity is blessed

The Parsha and Current Events: Yom Kippur this year

Our success in defeating those Arabs who value death over life could possibly set off the prophetic insights regarding a future international war between the descendants of Aisav and those of Yishmael. Who knows?

The Parsha and Current Events: Yom Kippur this year

The Parsha and Current Events: Forgiveness

There is one scenario which prevents the gentile world from forgiving us for living. It is Jewish boys, born in our Alt-Neuland, sitting under the canopies of F-16s and F-35s and bombing the hell out of Arab Nazis who live only to annihilate the Jewish people.

The Parsha and Current Events: Forgiveness


The final Shabbat of 5784

The coming year of 5785 will be a crucial one for all Jews. Make no mistake about it. We will defeat all our enemies to the amazement and dismay of the world. Our status of “chosen people” will advance before the enlightened family of nations.

The final Shabbat of 5784


The Parsha and Current Events: The ugly truth

Jewish history of 3000 plus years can be likened to an accordion that produces music by intervals of expansion and contraction.

The Parsha and Current Events: The ugly truth


The Parsha and Current Events: Use it or lose it

Seventy-six years ago, the gates to Eretz Yisrael were thrown open to all Jews. The call was sounded to return home and receive immediate citizenship under the "The Law of Return". Where were you?

The Parsha and Current Events: Use it or lose it

The Parsha and Current Events:

Devarim: David vs. Goliath

When the two combatants - the Jewish David and the pagan Goliat were staring at each other’s eyes, what were they thinking?

Devarim: David vs. Goliath

The day the world began to die

When is the moment that can be pinpointed as the beginning of one’s death process?

The day the world began to die

The fine print of the Jews' right to Israel

Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the others that claim to be connected to Yishmael are demanding the land of Yisrael in contradiction to the fact that Yishmael severed all ties with Avraham, including any rights to the holy land. Read how this occurred.

The fine print of the Jews' right to Israel

The Parsha and Current Events: We need each other

From the time of receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai through such time that we will have proven ourselves worthy of the honor of being the chosen nation, we remain steadfastly Am Israel.

The Parsha and Current Events: We need each other

We are fragile, yet strong

The Jewish nation will outlive all of its arrogant, evil, demented enemies, who in the words of Daniel "will be reduced like chaff on a threshing floor”.

We are fragile, yet strong

A message to young Jewish men presently in the galut

Free will distinguishes us from all other species in Hashem’s creation - mineral, flora, fauna and angels - we alone have the freedom to choose. So?

A message to young Jewish men presently in the galut

The Parsha and Current Events: The writing on the wall

If the Prop;het Daniel were here, who would he single out as today's Belshazar? Perhaps all of them...

The Parsha and Current Events: The writing on the wall

The Parsha and Current Events: Time

Predicting the future is more precarious than walking on thin ice in June.

The Parsha and Current Events: Time

The Parsha and Current Events:


Torah commentators suggest, each according to his world outlook, how one can achieve kedusha - holiness. But there is a common denominator.


Why will this Seder night be different than other seder nights?

My annual Pesach essay - always timely - but with a twist for today.

Why will this Seder night be different than other seder nights?

Measure for Measure

When the time for retribution for the evils perpetrated on His nation Yisrael arrives, Hashem will wait for no man.

Measure for Measure

The Parsha and Current Events: The King’s scepter

The best of all choices is to thank Hashem for returning us to Eretz Yisrael, a holy home that we can love and defend in all circumstances.

The Parsha and Current Events: The King’s scepter

Rabbi Nachman Kahana

Vayakhel: And he gathered

Gather together and come home voluntarily before it becomes impossible.

Vayakhel: And he gathered

Ki Tisa: Favoritism and Tikun Olam

The chances of a national state of Indians in the heartland of America are more probable than a “Palestinian” state bordering on Israel. Never!

Ki Tisa: Favoritism and Tikun Olam

Consider the implications of your words

The State of Israel will never come to the point of Shimshon, because when push comes to shove, we will use all the weapons at our disposal to kill our enemies.

Consider the implications of your words

The past and future will meet again

The song of praise will again be sung on the background of the punishment of Egypt by water.

The past and future will meet again


My “small package” response to those who ask my opinion regarding the exemption from military service of full-time Torah learners during this time of war.


The Transformation from Moses to Moshe Rabbeinu

The events of Shemini Atzeret 5784 can be led by the precedents set down in the Torah over 3000 years ago.

The Transformation from Moses to Moshe Rabbeinu

The Parsha and Current Events: Seek peace and pursue it.

What we are witnessing today is the beginning of Hashem’s count-down time for justice.

The Parsha and Current Events: Seek peace and pursue it.

The Parsha and Current Events: The dreams of kings

There are many scenarios but all will center around our prophets’ predictions that under Hashem, we will be the torchbearers of a new era,

The Parsha and Current Events: The dreams of kings

The Parsha and Current Events: We have returned

For 2000 years the land of Israel was in suspension, as a wife impatiently awaits the return of her beloved husband who was called away.

The Parsha and Current Events: We have returned

The Parsha and Current Events: Knowing your enemies

The Jews and especially the Jews in Israel have no real friends, but we do have real enemies.

The Parsha and Current Events: Knowing your enemies

The Parsha and Current Events: Where are the Miracles?

As I write, our valiant soldiers are facing off against the Islamic Nazis in Gaza City with miraculous stories of military successes.

The Parsha and Current Events: Where are the Miracles?

The Parsha and Current Events:When Jewish soldiers fall in war

When I heard of the travesty, and that she was not arrested for degrading Judaism, I knew that it would not pass without a divine reaction.

The Parsha and Current Events:When Jewish soldiers fall in war

Eradicating Impurities from Eretz Yisrael

Am Yisrael is poised to eradicate the tuma (impurities) from Eretz Yisrael.

Eradicating Impurities from Eretz Yisrael

A platform for a nation and for miracles

Hashem has no other Am Yisrael in this world. So, Hashem “has no choice” but to exercise His right and privilege to save Am YIsrael.

A platform for a nation and for miracles

The Sukkah as a parable for the Diaspora - it's only temporary

Eventually, if you try to live in it after the holiday, a sukkah will collapse. Come back inside, come home.

The Sukkah as a parable for the Diaspora - it's only temporary

The Parsha and Current Events: A Jew will forever be a Jew

Or as they say in Yiddish:' A yid bleibt a yid.' The pride of being a Jew that echoes in one’s soul.

The Parsha and Current Events: A Jew will forever be a Jew

The Parsha and Current Events: Hungry for geula?

The first time Johnny calls you “dirty Jew” - shame on Johnny; the second time - shame on you!!

The Parsha and Current Events: Hungry for geula?

The Parsha and Current Events: What world did Hashem create?

Life is indeed a very narrow slippery bridge whose floor is broken, but Hashem provided the Jewish nation with protective side rails.

The Parsha and Current Events: What world did Hashem create?

Messages for the Month of Elul

These are the calls of Elul, Rosh Hashana, and Yom Kippur - awaken to your responsibilities, as the Rambam writes (Tshuva chapter 3).

Messages for the Month of Elul

Consideration, emancipation, infinity, fulfillment in the parsha

True, we have returned home - a giant leap towards the goal, however there are deep pitfalls still in front of us.

Consideration, emancipation, infinity, fulfillment in the parsha

The Parsha and Current Events: Lest we forget

What is the fate of Jews today who are already in the galut and refuse to reunite with Yerushalayim and Eretz Yisrael?

The Parsha and Current Events: Lest we forget

The Parsha and Current Events: Tisha B'Av and our future

Pondering several issues.

The Parsha and Current Events: Tisha B'Av and our future

The Parsha and Current Events: Shalom Chaver

Rav Sholom and I had to find spiritual and ideological ways to Eretz Yisrael against the tides flowing away from the miracles of our times.

The Parsha and Current Events: Shalom Chaver

The Parsha and Current Events: Three questions

Three questions with one answer.

The Parsha and Current Events: Three questions

When did Moshe Rabbeinu’s death process begin?

The demise of Moshe and Aharon was predicated on a reality.that we face today.

When did Moshe Rabbeinu’s death process begin?

Shlach (Israel): Stand proud

Tzahal, the most respected institution in Israel, will one day be a holy army, and

Shlach (Israel): Stand proud

Behaalotcha (Israel): Beauty and the beast

'Those who are ignorant of Torah despise Torah scholars even more than gentiles hate Jews;' On the anti reilgious protests.

Behaalotcha (Israel): Beauty and the beast

The Parsha and Current Events: Yom Yerushalayim

How quickly we forget 2000 years of galut and the wings of eagles that have carried us home! How quickly we forget!

The Parsha and Current Events: Yom Yerushalayim

The Parsha and Current Events: Challenges facing our generation

The “Tochacha” (reproach and admonition) in parashat Bechukotai. What is missing?

The Parsha and Current Events: Challenges facing our generation

The Parsha and Current Events: Redemption and Comfort

it appears that Hashem's agenda for our nation does not stop with a thin strip of land at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea.

The Parsha and Current Events: Redemption and Comfort

Two seders - two worlds

Next year in Jerusalem is not “only a song,” it was the dream, hope and prayer of Jews for 2000 years and fulfilled in our time.

Two seders - two worlds

The Parsha and Current Events: A spirit of teshuva

My feelings towards Jews who have thrown off the mantle of Torah observance.

The Parsha and Current Events: A spirit of teshuva

The Parsha and Current Events: Social & political centrifugation

Hashem’s method of social and political centrifugation works to separate the deniers from the believers.

The Parsha and Current Events: Social & political centrifugation

Purim’s message for us today

Two incidents from which all of us can gleam a bit of understanding about assimilation today and the eternity of Torah.

Purim’s message for us today

It’s time for a heart-to-heart talk

If all the Jews 200 years ago were non-observant, there is little reason to believe that there would be a single Jew alive today.

It’s time for a heart-to-heart talk

The Parsha and Current Events: The Foundation Stone

Chodesh tov! The Persians threaten once again to annihilate the Jews in one day, this time with a bomb, but they should read the Megillah.

The Parsha and Current Events: The Foundation Stone