Jews for censorship
"From the River to the Sea" may be a dog whistle for genocide. Wanting the slogan banned is a terrible idea. Opinion.
"From the River to the Sea" may be a dog whistle for genocide. Wanting the slogan banned is a terrible idea. Opinion.
And UNRWA is a proxy of the humanitarian snake head. Opinion
Is anti-Zionism antisemitism? Opinion.
The Anti-Defamation League can’t be trusted, declares Wiki.
By means of creative bookkeeping western powers have turbo charged Hamas, again and again. When someone sets up, deliberately or not, Jews to be murdered there can be no question, the acts of that person or government are antisemitic. Op-ed.
International courts dovetail with humanitarian UN brigades and Joe Biden to beget a perfect storm. Opinion.
Sartre: The anti-Semite has murderous instincts but has found a means of sating them. His thunderous diatribes at the ‘Yids’ are really capital executions.. He is a murderer who represses and censures his tendency to murder without being able to hold it back, yet dares to kill only in effigy. Opinion.
The definition from 2,000 years ago proves to be the most accurate and practical. Why? Because every pro-Hamas has been caught harbouring a flagrant ambition to witness the liquidation of Zionists. Opinion.
Why pressure Israel? Why not tell Hamas to stop fighting? Because its survival to kill Jews is more important than ending civilian suffering in Gaza. This is what anti-Semitism means. Opinion.
Israelis are self-centered, Indyk gripes. When will they put away their Oct 7 obsession and think of the Palestinian Arabs? Shouldn’t he be addressing that question to Hamas? Tell them to think of the Palestinian Arabs once in a while. And leave the Jews alone Op-ed.
Past gaffs have taught communal bodies mostly nothing, leaving a vulnerable and stressed community unprepared for greater shocks to come. Opinion.
UNRWA fired the workers who took part in the massacre. Does something sound wrong in that sentence? Opinion.
‘Ad Hoc Court’ in The Hague rules that UNRWA dovetails with the International Court of Justice and the Human Rights Council. Opinion.
Don’t dismiss a corrupt, down and out country. South Africa as an Iranian proxy can make bad mischief for Israel. Opinion.
At the same time the court monitors Israel’s every act minutely like a prisoner on death row. Opinion.
Buzz words are intended to hide the truth rather than tell the truth. The ruling clique of South Africa, basically a criminal syndicate, deems it not desirable for Israel to dismantle its ally in crime, Hamas. Op-ed.
Robbing Jews of identity paves the way for genocide What better way than the canard that Jesus was an Aryan-and now a Palestinian. Opinion
The torrent of raw hatred unleashed by Oct 7 validated a one-piece identikit. Opinion.
Blinken and Biden elevate Gaza’s health ministry, entrusted to count the casualties, to sit with God. Opinion.
No democracy beats South Africa for leaders vocally committed to a Middle East Holocaust Op-ed.
A War Journalist and a Collaborator are worlds apart. Opinion.
A surfeit of pity has given Israel a near death experience. Palestinian Arab lives spared by Israel? Paid for by Israeli lives lost. Op-ed.
The cartoonists real message is: Why won’t the Jews just let themselves be killed? Op-ed.
Not only will the Palestinian Arabs not get a prize, but Israelis will be handed a Pandora's Box.Op-ed.
To leave office with a legacy Obama supped with a devil. Then came Trump. He well and truly bottled the genie.Biden popped the cork. Op-ed.
OPT (the term Occupied Palestinian Territory) is no more than a political objective, an aspiration, a denial of history and of law. Op-ed
Anti-reformers, blocking out reality, insist Netanyahu give the mobster head of a crime family the right to lecture him on democracy.Op-ed.
The gold standard is dead. Long live the Impossible Standard! The one Israel is put to, that is. Op-ed.
Even completely corrupt South Africa could teach the B…s a lesson in democracy. Op-ed.
Follow the money to decide which leader is the bigger scoundrel - Biden, Ramaphosa or Putin. Op-ed.
The High Court Judgment that plagues Israel permanently. Op-ed.
A Business faculty makes Russia’s invasion equal to Israel’s “invasion” - and says it wants to combat 'misinformation.' Really? Op-ed.
Killing freedom for the love of it. Op-ed.
Because of the "occupation" lie, the world gives Arab terrorists a pass for murdering Jews, like the two young Israelis shot today. Op-ed.
Could a day-dreamer about the state of S. Africa be wide awake about Israel? Not if he confuses the rule of law with rule by lawyers.Op-ed.
Think Linda Sarsour and Nava Pillay commemorating Holocaust victims. No problem there: dead Jews are respected, live Jews are hated. Op-ed.
Groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad know a gift when they see one. For them, the more Arab civilians get killed in clashes the better Op-ed.
Culture crankiness: A dark skinned racist belonging to the victim class can’t be a perpetrator or oppressor, no mater what he does. Op-ed.
The creed of international policing insists that Jews are always to blame. Op-ed.
UNGA votes for “urgent advisory opinion on Israel’s prolonged occupation.” UNHRC condemns Israel weekly. A good way to make a living. Op-ed.
Jewish law, anticipating liberals, sets limits to mercy. A foe intent on bloodshed loses his right to life. But not to the halo brigade.
'A mind that rejects the reality of biological sex is one unlikely to recognize facts about the Holocaust, about Jews and Israel' .Op-ed.
Israel’s fickle allies were enfeebled by a cultic hatred of fossil fuel. Climate paranoia caused a nuclear deal,against common sense. Op-ed.
Quick-fire accusers -No member of the United Nations quite matches South Africa for speed of condemnation of Israel. Op-ed.
Arab spring fever, followed by the rise of Iran to menace Arabia, weakened grandiose Arab dreams to the point of death. Op-ed.
Is invoking George Soros as a puppet master behind current events really an anti-Semitic trope? Op-ed.
In Durban the non-military assault, a war of curses, was launched,one Israel can’t win. Soon, the court of public opinion was onto its case
"Nations and political establishments warped by Israel-hatred tend to make one dumb decision after another." So it is with Navi Pillay.Op-ed
Anti-Israel or anti-Semite? Can you tell the difference? Opinion.
Loathing for Israel is complicated. How do so many Jews come to hate Israel with all their might and ire? Opinion.
Berating Jews with their own history, disinheriting them of pity is the latest form of Holocaust denial.Op-ed.
At Passover time, agitators for a State of Palestine feel compelled to act Moses, paraleling the Exodus with the Two State Delusion. .Op-ed.
In a conflict of might against right, you don’t want a leader deficient in both and also deficient in the moral right to take a stand.Op-ed.
Biden egregiously outsourced America’s security to its arch enemy and Iran’s firm ally, Vladimir Putin. And sent Malley to Vienna. Op-ed.
The politics of renewable energy have been the joker in Putin’s hand. Green politics filled his coffers and enabled the war on Ukraine.Op-ed
Putin is preictable and is doing exactly what he said he would.He craves respect and if he doesn't get it, fear will do just as well. Op-ed.
Liberal excoriation of fellow Jews is appropriated by antisemites for moral justification. Op-ed.
Mandela was sympathetic to Zionism as a movement for freedom and self-determination. Today SA befriends N. Korea, not Israel.Op-ed.
A merit-free economy and a doomed society are wedded. Discard merit and you invite collapse. Witness South Africa. Op-ed.
The God of mercy let Job be tested. The prosecuting team reckon he can be brought to the point of no return of cursing God Almighty.