Iranian MP:
'Iran may restore ties with Washington if US offers apology'
Islamic Republic lawmaker Shahryar Haidari claimed the US suggested holding talks with Tehran without the presence of other JCPOA partners.
Islamic Republic lawmaker Shahryar Haidari claimed the US suggested holding talks with Tehran without the presence of other JCPOA partners.
As is usual for the State Dept., the Palestinian Authority is whitewashed in the report and Israel is condemned. Op-ed.
Biden is committed to a policy that will empower Iran militarily, economically and diplomatically against Israel and Sunni Arabs. Op-ed.
Iran has achieved qualitative breakthroughs in its strategy of moving the battle beyond its borders, both in weaponry and subversion.Op-ed.
President Biden must carefully avoid diplomatic and closer to home missteps, remembering Iran's threats against the USA and Israel. Op-ed.
Letter penned by 50 bipartisan reps. urges Biden administration not to renew Iran deal without first consulting Congress.
According to senior Iranian diplomat, "We passed on our proposals to the Americans, and now the ball is in the US court."
The US should urgently,accept that its oft-repeated concern that Iran’s nuclear advances threaten to make the JCPOA obsolete is now. Op-ed.
Iran’s Foreign Minister says there is no way to return to JCPOA without the lifting of all US sanctions.
You might ask if Israel’s military is up to this daunting task and the answer to this question is yes.
Iran is not invincible and its rise not preordained. But there needs to be a united front willing to act on its ongoing aggression. Op-ed.
U.S. Iran Envoy says that the White House is growing increasingly concerned about Iran's failure to return to talks and nuclear progress.
The Biden administration’s betrayal of Israel on Iran has devastated the basic conceptual framework of Israeli strategic thinking. Op-ed.
Lapid has operated without much criticism, but has overseen highly questionable diplomatic moves that harm national-security interests.Op-ed
Twenty years after 9/11, the Biden Administration’s unrequited love affair with the JCPOA is helping Iran nuclearize, Op-ed.
The U.S. administration can’t afford another foreign policy debacle but Biden must realize that the risks with Iran are massive. Op-ed.
Defense Min. Gantz, Foreign Min. Lapid, tell UNSC ambassadors: 'This is the man responsible for the terror attacks in the Gulf of Oman.'
Iranian deputy minister says Vienna talks 'must await new administration,' promises prisoner swap will occur Sunday if US, UK, cooperate.
Biden pledged Tehran will not acquire nuclear weapons on “his watch.” But with Obama’s deal the crisis will occur after that. Op-ed.
The strike in Karaj may be Israel's way of showing that "no surprises" does not mean no action against Iran nuclear progress..
Leaders whose most important goal is maintaining friendly ties with Biden will be less willing to approve operations that can anger it.Op-ed
It will be up to Israeli generals and politicians to decide if response to rockets and control of Arab rioters preclude another front. Op-ed
Top security officials to discuss Iran intelligence with US counterparts, present Israel's demands for 'Iran deal.'
Dr Faustus gambled his own soul, but Biden, bartering with Iran behind closed doors, gambles with the lives of hundreds of millions. Op-ed.
The Biden administration’s steps are proceeding as if they were drawn up by the mullahs, who are facing the scenario of their dreams. Op-ed.
The discord between US and European positions on the nuclear issue is a catalyst for Iranian defiance of the US position to date. Op-ed.
The Biden administration has come under increasing and accelerating Iranian pressure in recent days. Will it give in? Opinion.
Selective ethics regarding Saudi Arabia as opposed to Iran, Syria and Lebanon can be traced to the makeup of Biden's administration.Op-ed.
Iran was not mentioned in Biden’s first major foreign policy speech as president, giving rise to speculation about his plans. Op-ed.
President Joe Biden’s Iran policy was conceived and is being implemented by the same people who negotiated the JCPOA under Obama. Op-ed.
In 2018 Netanyahu mentioned Fakhrizadeh by name three times in his UNGA speech, emphasizing it by saying "Remember that name."
The US is no longer viewed as a callous associate of Iran's evil regime, but as a force for regional good. There is much to be done.. Op-ed.
It is time for a unified resolve to stop Iran's evil. But standing up for that are only the United States, Israel and the Gulf states. Op-ed
Russia's Dep. FM Ryabkov warns Iran not to leave Non-Proliferation Treaty, says escalating tensions is 'counterproductive.'
UN atomic watchdog says even preparation to enrich uranium is a violation of the 2015 nuclear deal by Iran.
PM says Iran should face immediate sanctions if it makes good on threat to increase uranium stockpile beyond limits set in 2015 deal.
The Mossad told the US that Iran may be preparing to attack US assets in the Middle East, a step that would mean war.
Iran plans to pose a nuclear threat, is improving its missiles' operations and is also testing cyber warfare aimed at aircraft systems.
Katz: Western powers, Arab allies must form 'military coalition' with Israel to confront Iran if Tehran increases uranium enrichment.
There were 450 anti-regime protests in 30 Iranian provinces in April alone.
Iran to embark on 'diplomatic effort' among other JCPOA participants; 'Outcome will determine response'.
'Illegal, illegitimate, and undermines international agreements.'
'We must wait for the decisions of the five major countries regarding Trump's decision.'
President blasts his predecessor over 'catastrophic' Iran nuclear deal, claims relations between US and Israel today better than ever.
'The Iran nuclear deal is a disaster', says Pence, making 'solemn promise' that US will never permit Tehran regime to acquire nuclear arms.
US Ambassador to the UN says world must stop putting flawed deal ahead of stopping Iranian terrorism, ballistic missile tests.
House Speaker Paul Ryan says Iran nuclear deal 'huge mistake,' but sanctions will be difficult to reinstate, so deal must be enforced.
Reince Priebus says Trump believes Iran nuclear deal is 'terrible' and 'on life support', will decide whether to renegotiate or scrap deal.
Iranian rial drops to record low as foreign businesses uncertain of Trump's intentions towards enforcing sanctions against Iran.
Iranian dissidents pen letter to President-elect Donald Trump, asking him to keep campaign promise to renegotiate Iran nuclear deal.
Iraninian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei criticized Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's policy of "open dialogue" with the West.
Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei says US would be in violation of nuclear deal if it extends sanctions, and that Iran would retaliate.