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אנו מתפללים להחלמה מהירה של הפצועים ולשמירתם של ה' על חיילי ואזרחי ישראל.
Presented By: Rav Eli Ozarowski Written by: Nir Shaul
In Parashat Korach, the posuk says “You will not have an inheritance in their Land; I am your portion & inheritance among the Israelites.”
Why didn't the Levites receive an inheritance in the Land of Israel?
Since God chose the Tribe of Levi to serve in the Beit Hamikdash, therefore, it is appropriate for the King's servants should be focused on their service and not worry about earning a livelihood.
Presented By: Avrum Leeder Written by: Shilo Hagar
The prophet Ezekiel describes the process of exile and redemption.
In the process of redemption, what comes first: ingathering of the exiles or purification?
Stage1- Ingathering of exiles constitutes sanctification of G-d’s name since it will stop the nations' claim of G-d's inability for Am Yisrael to remain in its Land.
Stage2- God will bring His people to the Land where the holy atmosphere of Eretz Yisrael has the power to purify Am Yisrael.