

News and updates about Shavuot

The ladder to holiness

The Rav famously said, there's no kedusha without hachana - no holiness without preparation. And now, where do we find ourselves on the ladder to holiness once Shavuot is over?

The ladder to holiness

Chag Sameach from Israel National News!

Israel National News will be offline until Saturday night in honor of the holiday of Shavuot, followed by Shabbat.

Chag Sameach from Israel National News!

Chag Sameach from Israel!

Updates Continue from N. America

Shavuot holiday begins in Israel. INN's North America desk will continue to update the site until Shavuot begins in New York.

Updates Continue from N. America

Israel's 1st Chief Rabbi:

The Lesson of Mount Sinai

Where would one expect that God would reveal His Torah to the Jewish people?

The Lesson of Mount Sinai

Shavuot and Torah: The 'yetser hara' conundrum

At the end of days, the nations will claim that they are entitled to be rewarded, even though they did not keep the Torah.

Shavuot and Torah: The 'yetser hara' conundrum


Celebrate in spite of all

We might do well here to recall Shavuot 5708 (1948) - and compare it with Shavuot 1967.

Celebrate in spite of all

A timely message for Shavuos 5784

Celebrating the rescue of our hostages showed the wondrous unity of our people proclaiming the Oneness of Hashem who we thanked.

A timely message for Shavuos 5784

The Cinderella of the Festivals is the time of Revelation

It has no special mitzvot nor does it have a tractate. But it has a special theme like no other holiday.

The Cinderella of the Festivals is the time of Revelation

Shavuot Freedom

Shavuot is the festival when we celebrate the receiving of the Torah and, in the words of the late Chief Rabbi Sacks ztโ€l, we celebrate being โ€œfree toโ€ live a Jewish life.

Shavuot Freedom

Remember this moment

Do you remember where you were when you heard the news about the rescued hostages? We will remember where we were when we heard the good news since it was a moment of unparalleled joy. Take this moment with you forever.

Remember this moment

Shavuot: Torah vs. Cheesecake

The everyday, the mundane - these are not the opposite of holiness, but simply the open space that invites holiness in at every moment.

Shavuot: Torah vs. Cheesecake

Redressing [the failure] for seven days

It is difficult for a Jew to leave Mount Sinai, so we try a little longer to stay at the bottom of the mountain.

Redressing [the failure] for seven days

Top Secret:

Operation Protest at Netanyahu's House

The protest at the PMs house included a ban on cell phones, uniforms, registration, screening, and orders that changed every few hours.

Operation Protest at Netanyahu's House

New app can generate 64,000 kosher cheesecake recipes

An app that can generate 64,000 kosher cheesecake recipes aims to prove AIโ€™s value for Orthodox Jews.

New app can generate 64,000 kosher cheesecake recipes

Shavuot (Pentecost) guide for the perplexed, 2023

Learn the significance of the holiday and its names, about the number 7 in Judaism as well as the number 50 and more.

Shavuot (Pentecost) guide for the perplexed, 2023

Shavuot: Connecting to Torah Study

Israel's first Chief Rabbi:It is axiomatic that the Jewish soul and the Torah are a match made in heaven

Shavuot: Connecting to Torah Study

โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹The Principles of Eiruv Tavshilin โ€“ for Shavuot

In Israel, it is rare to need to prepare Eiruv Tavshilin, but this Shavuot both those of us in the Diaspora and in Israel will be making it.

โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹The Principles of Eiruv Tavshilin โ€“ for Shavuot

Ahead of Shavuot holiday:

Mendy Weiss & Shloime Meir sing 'Kavod Latorah'

Shloime Meir composed the song a while ago, but when Mendy Weiss discovered it, he didn't hesitate for a second, and the two began a duet.

Mendy Weiss & Shloime Meir sing 'Kavod Latorah'

Talking Parsha - Nasso and Shavuot: Hashem favors??

How can we implore Hashem to grant us favor when the Torah teaches us that He neither shows favoritism nor accepts bribes?

Talking Parsha - Nasso and Shavuot: Hashem favors??

Everything there is to know about Shavuot

The entire chapter of Rabbi Eliezer Melamed's Peninei Halakha, the comprehensive compendium of Halakha, on Shavuot.

Everything there is to know about Shavuot

Shavuot: The Torah and the Land

Shavuot synthesises the Torah and the Land of Israel perfectly: G-d gave us His Torah on this day to keep in the Land of Israel.

Shavuot: The Torah and the Land

Ben Uliel to be released from solitary confinement for Shavuot

Man convicted of Duma arson to be allowed to interact with other prisoners during holiday under Ben-Gvir's policy.

Ben Uliel to be released from solitary confinement for Shavuot

The gift from Esau and Ishmael: Naaseh veNishma

Ramban:โ€™Had not Israel accepted the Torah, the world would have returned to nothingness, BY ITSELF...โ€™.

The gift from Esau and Ishmael: Naaseh veNishma

Every Jew is a letter in the Torah

But - we sink or swim together, just as a kosher Torah needs all its letters to be kosher.

Every Jew is a letter in the Torah

Shavuot features: The Godless Commandments

The people who least care about religion are the ones who claim to live by the Ten Commandments.

Shavuot features: The Godless Commandments

Wilderness to Civilization -the power of Torah

Civilization is built primarily on values, morality, beliefs, ethics, principles, and attitudes towards human life.

Wilderness to Civilization -the power of Torah

Shabbat BeShabbato: Bamidbar and Shavuot

A selection of well-known contemporary commentators on the parasha and the upcoming holiday.

Shabbat BeShabbato: Bamidbar and Shavuot

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

Bechukotai: A challenge for Shavuot this year

Why not go for it? Why not engage with Torah?

Bechukotai: A challenge for Shavuot this year

Michigan high school sued for scheduling graduation on Shavuot

Jewish student accuses school of violating her rights, after family spent years working with district on accommodating Jewish holidays.

Michigan high school sued for scheduling graduation on Shavuot

Saying farewell to Rabbi Uri Zohar zt"l

Rabbi Uri Zohar was the epirtome of a baal teshuva who uses every minute to make up for what he perceived as lost Torah study time.

Saying farewell to Rabbi Uri Zohar zt"l


Singing together at the Western Wall at the end of Shavuot

More than 50,000 Jewsย visited the Western Wall during Shabbat and the festival of Shavuot.

Singing together at the Western Wall at the end of Shavuot

Hundreds visit the Temple Mount for Shavuot

Temple Mount authorities report that 754 Jews made their way to the Mount over Shavuot - an increase from previous years.

Hundreds visit the Temple Mount for Shavuot

Defining our relations with the world's major powers

Parashat Naso - Shavuโ€™ot 5782: The parasha and current events.

Defining our relations with the world's major powers

Shavuot and the Torah of Eretz Yisrael

The word โ€œMorashaโ€ (inheritance) is written only twice in the Torah. Once in reference to the Land and once in reference to the Torah

Shavuot and the Torah of Eretz Yisrael

Rabbi David Stav:

'Being united is the precondition for being given the Torah'

Head of the Tzohar Rabbinical Organization, speaks about how to prepare for Shavuot - the holiday commemorating the giving of the Torah.

'Being united is the precondition for being given the Torah'

Yizkor: Recalling our dearly departed on Shavuot

What are the memories and thoughts that should fill our minds and heartsย as we are about to recite Yizkor on Shavuot?

Yizkor: Recalling our dearly departed on Shavuot

How to make Shavuot bloom

The Torah lifestyle reaches out to every corner of the world that seems to be empty, shallow and "dry"- and gives it life, color and depth.

How to make Shavuot bloom

Shavuot: A lesson from the Torah

Would we not have expected Shavuot, of all the Festivals in our calendar, to be replete with impressive rituals?

Shavuot:  A lesson from the Torah

Laws for Shavuot 2022, which begins at the close of the Sabbath

The special laws when Shavuot begins Saaturday night .

Laws for Shavuot 2022, which begins at the close of the Sabbath

Banners of love

Why this Parasha is read shortly before we again receive the Torah on Shavuot.

Banners of love

Chaos is back

The deep meaning of the world "midbar" - translated "desert", but whose root is the same as that of speech - and more insights in Judaism.

Chaos is back

The Israelites' iron dome

The Torah wants us to deduce something from the use of the word "regalim" instead of "peamim." The commentaries enlighten us.

The Israelites' iron dome

'A still, small voice'

Is this not the voice that we are longing now to hear? The comforting voice of peace, of stillness and serenity.

'A still, small voice'

250 rockets fired at Israel over Shavuot holiday

House in Ashdod suffers direct hit. 25 rockets fired by terrorists fall in Gaza.

250 rockets fired at Israel over Shavuot holiday

Shavuot: Seeing sound

Israel's first Chief Rabbi on the Sinai revelation: 'At their source, sound and sight are united.'

  ๏ปฟShavuot: Seeing sound

Shavuot 5781 (2021):- Celebrate in spite of it all

Just four days after the Six Day War was over, Jews celebrated Shavuot at the newly-liberated Western Wall. We must continue to celebrate.

Shavuot 5781 (2021):- Celebrate in spite of it all

Safe room for the body, safe room for the soul

A brief lesson from them in maintaining emotional health during this time.

Safe room for the body, safe room for the soul

Acknowledging God: How does one connect to the light of Shavuot?

The light of Shavuot gives us a chance to connect to the Torah, but how do we do this? The rabbis of Yeshiva website provide some ideas.

Acknowledging God: How does one connect to the light of Shavuot?

The Book of Ruth: A Zionist story For Shavuot

The duality of Shavuot is prominent in the Book of Ruth. The time is the harvest and Ruth accepts the Torah.as the Jews did on Mt. Sinai.

The Book of Ruth: A Zionist story For Shavuot

Rosh Hodesh Sivan Torah essay

May the unity experienced at Mount Sinai envelop us once again as we study Torah on the holiday of Shavuot celebrating that event.

Rosh Hodesh Sivan Torah essay

U of Penn refuses to move Shavuot commencement to another day

1,600 sign petition, asking U of Penn to move commencement from Shavuot to another day, which is ignored by the school.

U of Penn refuses to move Shavuot commencement to another day

1,300 U Penn Students sign petition to move Shavuot graduation

Jewish students are upset over the schoolโ€™s decision to hold its commencement ceremony on May 17, which is the first day of Shavuot.

1,300 U Penn Students sign petition to move Shavuot graduation

Changing seasons in Eretz Yisrael

Torah thoughts on Eretz Yisrael from young Religious Zionist yeshiva students:In Eretz Yisrael, even seasonal changes have deep meaning.

Changing seasons in Eretz Yisrael

From bitter to sweet: The virtue of Torah and the Jewish People

Those disregarding the value of nationalism and the Religious Zionists who embrace it, miss a fundamental and essential point in the Torah.

From bitter to sweet: The virtue of Torah and the Jewish People

Coming home from exile- praying once again in our synagogues

Like during all the exiles, G-d did not forget us in our Corona exile, helping make our 2 month exile a positive learning experience. Op-ed.

Coming home from exile- praying  once again in our synagogues

Ruth, the righteous proselyte

Ruth's commitment catapults this convert into the center stage of Jewish eternity.

Ruth, the righteous proselyte

Ambassador Friedman helps make cheesecake for the elderly

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman and his family join special online broadcast from Pantry Packers in Jerusalem to commemorate Shavuot.

Ambassador Friedman helps make cheesecake for the elderly

Worldโ€™s chief rabbis call for Jews to set aside differences

Letter signed by seven chief rabbis calls on Jews worldwide to take practical steps to overcome both personal and communal conflicts.

Worldโ€™s chief rabbis call for Jews to set aside differences

To receive the Torah, be like a desert!

Mount Sinai was a humble mountain in a desolate desert. What does G-d's giving the Torah there try to tell us?

To receive the Torah, be like a desert!

The custom of dairy products on Shavuot

There is something special when it comes to customs. Sometimes their effect is stronger than that of mitzvot.

The custom of dairy products on Shavuot