Mohammad Shtayyeh
Mohammad ShtayyehNasser Ishtayeh/Flash 90

Palestinian Authority (PA) cabinet leader Mohammad Shtayyeh on Thursday met in Ramallah with the Minister of State for Foreign Policy of Denmark, in an attempt to convince him to promote recognition of the PA as a state.

"Israel imposes a state of apartheid by establishing facts on the ground and passing legislation, as documented by reputable international organizations such as HRW, Amnesty, and Israeli organizations such as B'Tselem," argued Shtayyeh.

He called on European countries to move from labeling products originating in Jewish communities in Judea and Samra to actually confiscating them, boycotting the companies and institutions operating in the “settlements” and to take steps against “settlers” with European citizenship.

"The illegal Israeli deduction of Palestinian Authority tax funds put the Palestinian government in a difficult economic situation, in addition to their stealing of water and controlling natural resources," charged Shtayyeh.