Israel has coordinated the establishment of a field hospital in western Ukraine with Russia, commentator Barak Ravid reported Thursday night on the Walla website.
Israeli sources said that Israel had updated Russia on the issue and even given it the exact location of the hospital so that the Russians would avoid attacking the area surrounding the hospital.
The update was made on several levels: both on the diplomatic side and at the leadership level in one of the talks between Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Seventeen tons of equipment for the establishment of the "Shining Star" field hospital were loaded onto an El Al cargo plane and departed for Poland Thursday afternoon to prepare for the establishment of a hospital in the town of Mostyska in western Ukraine.
Early next week, the medical delegation led by Dr. Dudu Dagan, director of the government hospitals division at the Health Ministry, which includes medical staff from the entire health system, will take off.
The hospital will provide care to the many war refugees and will include a delivery room, adult and pediatric inpatient wards. The medical assistance will bring with it laboratory and imaging capabilities (X-ray), and will use remote technologies with Sheba Medical Center in Israel.
Sheba Medical Center director Prof. Yitzhak Kreiss said: "It is our personal, professional and national duty to treat every human being as a person. We have the means and the ability and we must not stand back."
Partners include the Prime Minister’s Office, the Health Ministry, the Foreign Ministry, Sheba Medical Center, Schneider Children's Hospital, Clalit Health Services, and other medical organizations.