Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) called for the Defense Ministry to respond in a "significant" fashion to the murder of Rabbi Raziel Shevach.
Rabbi Shevach, 35, was murdered in a terror attack on Tuesday night, when an Arab terrorist shot at Rabbi Shevach's car as he drove by Havat Gilad. He left behind a widow and six orphans.
Speaking in an interview with Channel 2, Ariel said, "Can we think about going back to our routines Everyone understands that something has happened, and we can't go back to what was two days ago."
"These things are in the hands of the Defense Minister. These are his instructions to the military and Civil Administration. Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beytenu) spoke in the past about 'the carrot and the stick.' We are waiting for the Defense Minister to use the 'stick' and maybe he should have done it before now."
"We can exile the families from their homes, we can destroy the homes of terrorists who carried out attacks - and I trust that the Defense Minister will take action. He has widespread support from the Israeli public. No one agrees to or is ready to accept this terror."
Ariel emphasized that "the demand is to provide various security components, and we all know what, how many, and why it is necessary. What we need to do is not talk, but act. The defense system has defined what is necessary to do, and it is progressing very slowly."
Regarding Hamas' celebration following the terror attack, Ariel said terror must be dealt with harshly in Gaza as well.
"The reality is that they shoot at us and hurt us - and then claim our forces are the ones who attacked them, but no one was killed and no one was injured. What kind of special weapons do we have that when we shoot, no one is harmed? It's time they suffered injuries and deaths as well," he said.
"This situation, in which they are able to hurt us and continue receiving money for terror attacks, cannot continue. We need to confiscate these monies from them."
Meanwhile, Liberman responded, "Security forces are currently working to capture the terrorists who murdered Rabbi Raziel Shevach last night. I feel his widow Yael's deep pain, and that of his six orphans. I have ordered Defense Ministry leaders to provide aid to the family and to other Havat Gilad residents."
"In addition, I have requested the government examine the option of legalizing Havat Gilad and turning it into a proper town."