Salomon family home in Neve Tzuf
Salomon family home in Neve TzufYehezkel Itkin

Security forces arrested last night two members of the family of the terrorist who carried out the attack in Neve Tzuf (Halamish) in which three members of the Salomon family were murdered.

They were arrested on suspicion that they knew of their relative’s intention to carry out an attack, and were transferred for interrogation by the security forces.

Last week, Head of Central Command Roni Numa decided to award a citation to IDF soldier A. for neutralizing the terrorist.

The combat soldier was awarded for "showing of composure, engaging the enemy and dedication to task in neutralizing the terrorist, while showing courage and judgment that led to the prevention of a heavier disaster."

In addition, a certificate of appreciation for the soldier’s father was approved for his "displays of courage, engaging the enemy and exemplary citizenship in participating in the neutralization of the terrorist and the prevention of a heavier disaster."