The mosque on the Temple Mount
The mosque on the Temple MountJamal Awad, Flash 90

The Jordanian Foreign Ministry on Thursday published a response to the ascent of National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir (Otzma Yehudit) to the Temple Mount.

"We condemn the arrival of the Israeli National Security Minister to the Temple Mount site and the Al-Aqsa Mosque," the statement said. "We warn of the dangerous consequences in allowing extremists to visit the Temple Mount and allowing them to carry out provocations under the security of Israel Police."

"This ascent by the Minister, together with actions at the site by extremists, constitutes a provocative violation and a violation of international law and the historical status quo in Jerusalem. Continuation of the unilateral steps by Israel, together with the ongoing violations of the status quo, threatens to disrupt the [current] situation and [create] additional circles of violence."

The Palestinian Authority also condemned, "The fascist Israeli minister Ben Gvir's storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque, together with extremists who are his followers," saying that it is "an official Israeli cover-up for the ongoing invasions" and a "plan to Judaize Al-Aqsa Mosque."

Saudi Arabia's Foreign Ministry also condemned "the invasion of Minister Ben Gvir and a group of settlers into Al-Aqsa Mosque," adding that, "Israel bears responsibility for the consequences."