MDA personnel vaccinating children at school
MDA personnel vaccinating children at schoolMDA spokesperson

Magen David Adom (MDA) continues to be at the forefront of the fight against the COVID-19 virus. At the request of the Ministry of Health, MDA on Sunday began vaccinating Israeli children in their schools.

Over the past year, since the vaccinations where introduced in Israel, MDA provided more than one million and one hundred thousand vaccinations throughout the country, as part of the national effort against the COVID-19 outbreak.

Eli Bin, MDA Director General, said: "Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, MDA has stood at the forefront of the struggle against the spread of the virus."

"As an organization that took a significate role in providing the COVID-19 tests at the patients' homes, at the Drive & Test compounds, at hundreds of rapid test stations for obtaining the Green Pass and vaccinating the population, we see the importance of joining forces and making the vaccinations accessible to children and teenagers as required.

"The pandemic is not behind us and it is of utmost important that the children and the teenagers be vaccinated - this is the way to act against the outbreak."

Bin concluded, "Magen David Adom, Israel's National EMS Organization, will continue and act professionally, utilizing the most advanced technologies in order to confront any challenge and every assignment presented to us, for the health of the Israeli citizens."