Ten haredi students were rescued by police after nearly drowning in the upper Jordan River, Yediot Aharonot reported Thursday.
The students, all members of the same Bnei Brak family, had entered the water fully clothed to swim on the hot August day, when a strong current nearly dragged them away.
Reuven Cohen, 38, who was with his four children in the water, said: "The current suddenly went wild. It was terrifying. We were helpless, trying to hold onto the rocks and the tree branches."
One of the students managed to extricate himself from the water and contact the police.
Upon their arrival, the police instructed the trapped students to remove their belts and use them to form a human chain. They used the chain to pull the family to safety.
Many haredi yeshivas have a three week vacation immediately following the fast of Tisha B'Av, which was held last week. Many tourist destinations see a large increase in haredi visitors over this period.