Danny Danon (second to left) with Tal Tamari (center) and Yossi Dagan (second to right)
Danny Danon (second to left) with Tal Tamari (center) and Yossi Dagan (second to right)Danny Danon Personal Photo Library

During a tour of Samaria Tuesday morning, MK Danny Danon, member of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Chairman of World Likud, and Israel’s former Ambassador to the United Nations met and toured the area with the heads of the Samaria communities, including with Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan, and Tal Tamari, widow of terror victim Meir Tamari.

Meir Tamari was murdered earlier this month in a terror attack near the Hermesh community, where he lived.

Standing at the Hermesh checkpoint in Samaria, MK Danon said, "The reality in Samaria has become impossible. Attack follows attack. Just last week, four Israelis were murdered at a gas station in the community of Eli."

"The terrorist infrastructures in Judea and Samaria are getting stronger and rocket capability is only a matter of time. One-off preventive measures by the IDF and the Shin Bet are no longer enough to stop the growing wave of terrorism. Our security forces have a plan prepared to root out and crush the terrorist infrastructure in Samaria.

"Many within our security forces already understand that there is no alternative other than to implement this plan and they support embarking on an immediate and extensive military operation. There are of course also voices that fear the consequences of such an operation."

Danon stressed, "We are here to strengthen the Prime Minister and call on him to adopt the position of the heads of Israel’s security forces, who understand the necessity to act in a situation which gives us no other choice. All the red lines have been crossed. The continuation of the existing status conveys weakness to our enemies and invites more attacks."

"The time has come to tell the IDF to act. Israel must conduct an operation that will crush the terrorist infrastructure before it is too late."

Widow Tal Tamari and her newly-orphaned baby, facing Yossi Dagan (L) and Danny Danon (C) in Samaria
Widow Tal Tamari and her newly-orphaned baby, facing Yossi Dagan (L) and Danny Danon (C) in SamariaDanny Danon Personal Photo Library