Adelle Biton, the four-year-old terror victim who two years ago miraculously survived a rock attack which left her with severe neurological damage, passed away on Tuesday after her condition deteriorated rapidly from a bout of pneumonia.
She was admitted earlier this week to Schneider Children's Hospital in Petah Tikva for treatment, and on Tuesday it was revealed that she had been put in intensive care.
"With great sorrow we report the death of Adelle Biton who despite the efforts of the doctors passed away roughly an hour ago," stated the hospital on Tuesday. "Our condolences to the family."
"Two years ago we had a great miracle here, and that is what I long for," Adele's mother Adva told Arutz Sheva earlier on Tuesday afternoon. "Adele is here, and she is fighting."
"She is between heaven and Earth right now," Adva added. "The situation is not simple, unfortunately. We never dreamed we would be here again, but there are things that are out of our control."
"We are only flesh and blood, and I pray to the Creator that whatever He decides, it's for the best," Adva continued. "We are small here and really do not understand [what's in store]. I only pray for the Jewish people, here and abroad, who have been so helpful as we navigate this complicated time."
Adelle was critically wounded in March 2013, when the family car was attacked outside of Ariel in Samaria by Arab terrorists, who hurled rocks at the vehicle and caused it to veer off the road and crash headfirst into a truck.
The fist-sized rock struck Adelle directly in the head, leaving the two-year-old baby critically wounded and in mortal danger. Doctors said her recovery from the blow was nothing short of miraculous.
Adelle had been in and out of the hospital since in a grueling rehabilitation period.