

News and updates about Zionists

New School students trample memory of their Zionist founder

Do they know that the university was co-founded by the philosopher Horace M. Kallen, one of the earliest leaders of American Zionism? Op-ed

New School students trample  memory of their Zionist founder

The true story of the first Zionist - It's not who you think

It wasn't Herzl, Jabotinsky, Weizmann or even Ben Gurion. In fact, it was someone whose name was changed. Op-ed.

The true story of the first Zionist - It's not who you think

Islamist report: "Rightwing Zionists" tainted our elections

The report blames Jewish money, a reference lightly sanitized as "rightwing Zionist" donations, for election outcomes it doesn't like.Op-ed.

Islamist report: "Rightwing Zionists" tainted our elections

UK uni to investigate prof who claimed many Nazis were Zionists

Academic claims during talk that ‘many Nazis called themselves Zionists’ and also attacks IHRA definition of antisemitism.

UK uni to investigate prof who claimed many Nazis were Zionists

The hate that CAIR loves to defend

CAIR defends a trainer fired for posts cursing Zionists and saying Israel doesn't have a right to exist, but attacks Canary Mission.Op-ed.

The hate that CAIR loves to defend

BDS has roots in the Bible

The cursers avoid the ‘Jew’ word; it would be self-destructive. Curse the Zionists all you like but don’t call them Jews. Op-ed.

BDS has roots in the Bible

Survey: Almost half of haredim say they are 'Zionists'

'Zionist Index' of Israelis conducted ahead of Independence Day finds that 45% of haredim call themselves Zionists.

Survey: Almost half of haredim say they are 'Zionists'

Venezuelan MP Claims: The Zionists Financed Hitler

In a recent interview, Venezuelan MP Adel Al-Sughayar said that Hitler's main financiers had been the Zionists.

Venezuelan MP Claims: The Zionists Financed Hitler

Iran Blames 'Zionists' For Negotiation Failure

As deadline to nuclear talks approaches, Iranian Army Chief of Staff blames Zionist lobby in the United States for thwarting a deal.

Iran Blames 'Zionists' For Negotiation Failure

Neturei Karta: Attack by Muslim on Amsterdam Jew Israel's Fault

A member of the Neturei Karta group, was viciously attacked by a Muslim. The reason, according to the group? Israel's existence

Neturei Karta: Attack by Muslim on Amsterdam Jew Israel's Fault

Morsi: Jewish Slurs Misunderstood, Taken Out of Context

Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi defended his rancorous anti-Semitic comments, claiming that they were taken out of context.

Morsi: Jewish Slurs Misunderstood, Taken Out of Context

Hareidim More Zionist than Leftists, Poll Shows

Hareidi religious Jews are more Zionist than leftist, and trust in Netanyahu is far higher than during the Olmert term, a new poll shows.

 Hareidim More Zionist than Leftists, Poll Shows

Iranian Supreme Leader: Israelis are 'Ferocious Zionist Wolves'

Iranian Supreme Leader, speaking at NAM summit, called Israelis “ferocious Zionist wolves who digest the Palestinian people.”

Iranian Supreme Leader: Israelis are 'Ferocious Zionist Wolves'

Iranian VP Blames 'Zionists,' Talmud for Inciting Drug Trade

Iranian VP condemned the 'Zionists' and the teachings of the Talmud for inciting global drug trade and addiction.

Iranian VP Blames 'Zionists,' Talmud for Inciting Drug Trade