
Haredi MKs

News and updates about Haredi MKs

MK Cassif impeachment:

Hadash-Ta'al pressuring haredi parties

MK Ofer Cassif and MK Ahmad Tibi are pressuring the haredi parties to prevent the impeachment of the MK who expressed support for the lawsuit against Israel in the ICJ.

Hadash-Ta'al pressuring haredi parties

Minister Kahana: Days of stepping on religious Zionists over

Religious Affairs Minister accuses haredi MKs of refusing to see religious Zionists as Orthodox or religious Jews.

Minister Kahana: Days of stepping on religious Zionists over

Liberman: 4,000 COVID deaths are Netanyahu's fault

Yisrael Beytenu chairman criticizes PM, claims haredi MKs support Bnei Brak hasidim who attacked police officers.

Liberman: 4,000 COVID deaths are Netanyahu's fault

UTJ MK: Leave the coalition

MK Yisrael Eichler calls on haredi parties to step down from government until lockdowns on haredi neighborhoods are removed.

UTJ MK: Leave the coalition

Haredi MK: Liberman is a one-man show

UTJ MK Yaakov Asher dismisses Liberman outline for unity government. "He only looks out for himself".

Haredi MK: Liberman is a one-man show

Will Israel fund surrogacy for gay couples?

Coalition chairman reportedly preparing bill to circumvent haredi opposition to surrogacy for gay couples in Israel.

Will Israel fund surrogacy for gay couples?

Haredi MK blames earthquake on Western Wall plan

MK Azoulay tells Reform, Conservative to build their own Western Wall in the US, says Western Wall plan caused earthquakes.

Haredi MK blames earthquake on Western Wall plan

Soccer players to haredim: Allow us to keep Shabbat

Group of Israeli soccer players meets with haredi sage Rabbi Meir Mazuz, implores him to help stop Shabbat games.

Soccer players to haredim: Allow us to keep Shabbat

Religious Zionist and Haredi yeshiva heads unite at Keren Re'em

Love of Torah unites Religious Zionist and Haredi rabbis, thanks to efforts of philanthropist Elio Moti Sonnenfeld.

Religious Zionist and Haredi yeshiva heads unite at Keren Re'em

Ben-Dahan to haredim: Condemn extremists in your midst

Dep. Defense Minister Ben-Dahan demands haredi leadership condemn attacks on religious soldiers.

Ben-Dahan to haredim: Condemn extremists in your midst

Netanyahu to Meet with Haredi Parties for Coalition Talks

Rumors abound that Netanyahu could give UTJ chairman Yaakov Litzman Health Ministry, Shas chairman Aryeh Deri Interior Ministry.

Netanyahu to Meet with Haredi Parties for Coalition Talks