
Beit HaMikdash

News and updates about Beit HaMikdash

What did Hashem say to Moshe from the Ohel Moed?

Our Sages expound the word ‘Saying’ in the first pasuk in several ways, feeling that it is superfluous, as immediately after it - in the second pasuk - the Torah again says:’Speak to Bnei Israel, and say to them.’

What did Hashem say to Moshe from the Ohel Moed?

Eretz Yisrael in the Parsha: Song of the Sea

Why did the Israelites connect the Red Sea with the Temple?

Eretz Yisrael in the Parsha: Song of the Sea

Unveiling the site of the Beit Hamikdash

How and when was the site of the Holy Temple finally revealed?

Unveiling the site of the Beit Hamikdash

Eikev: Avoiding the mistakes of one's predecessors

The service in the Beit Hamikdash is the prototype of all the mitzvot.

Eikev: Avoiding the mistakes of one's predecessors

What did the Beit Hamikdash look like?

There have been countless artistic representations of the Beit Hamikdash since its destruction, but what did it really look like?

What did the Beit Hamikdash look like?

Beit Hamikdash:

What we had and what’s to come

Join Rabbi Avi Berman, Director of OU Israel, for a special feature in honor of Tisha B’Av.

What we had and what’s to come

Israel's first Chief Rabbi:

Psalm 84: Better than a thousand

Israel's first Chief Rabbi:'The nation as a whole needs God’s house standing...every detail declaring awe and reverence for God.'

Psalm 84: Better than a thousand

We did it… No, you did not!

An email advertisement is the shock that motivated the writer to ask readers to think again about what they are being enticed to do.Op-ed.

We did it… No, you did not!

Eretz Yisrael in the Parasha: MIshkan vs. Beit Hamikdash

Young religious Zionist scholars on the Holy Land in the parasha and in our prayers.

Eretz Yisrael in the Parasha: MIshkan vs. Beit Hamikdash

Hanukkah: The reason for the season

Let's put the real meaning back into Hanukkah. Op-ed.

Hanukkah: The reason for the season

Vengeance in Psalms

How is it that there are such vengeful verses in the Book of Psalms?

Vengeance in Psalms

Coming to the place chosen by Hashem

When you rejoice before Hashem, you must rejoice with those who are needy and dependent.

Coming to the place chosen by Hashem

If I forget thee O Jerusalem...

Napoleon:'If the Jews are still crying after so many hundreds of years, I am certain the Temple will one day be rebuilt.' And it will be.

If I forget thee O Jerusalem...

The tip of the iceberg

The Kotel is just a small fraction of the Beit Hamikdash just as those in crisis have oceans of hurt beneath the surface. Help them. Op-ed.

The tip of the iceberg

The house of Hashem

Mourning and yearning for the house built for His people and eventually for the world.

The house of Hashem

The making of a 'rasha'

How a well-intentioned organization became an infamous bloc of nations that blames Israel for all the world's ills.

The making of a 'rasha'

Chukat/Balak: The well and the tent

The symbolism of the well in Chukat and the tent of Bilaam's prophecy complement one another in Jewish life.

Chukat/Balak: The well and the tent

Chukat {Diaspora}: Why Moshe struck the rock not once, but twice

There are levels of dedication to Am Yisrael that only Moshe reached. His hitting the rock, say these commentators, is an example.

Chukat {Diaspora}: Why Moshe struck the rock not once, but twice

Revelation of the essence of G-d’s Name

Young Rel. Zionist scholars: When Am Yisrael reaches perfection by developing its Land and building the Temple, G-d’s Name is complete.

Revelation of the essence of G-d’s Name

How does the Beit Hamikdash differ from the Mishkan?

Young religious Zionist Torah scholars explain:They were the same on the surface, except for one crucial concept.

How does the Beit Hamikdash differ from the Mishkan?

The Beit Hamikdash enlightens the world

Young Israelii Relgious Zionist Torah scholars write on Eretz Yisrael, Am Yisrael and Torah Yisrael in the spirit of HaRav Kook.

The Beit Hamikdash enlightens the world

A miniature Beit Hamikdash

If you stand in front of a mirror.you see the human structure. A closer look reveals that you are a miniature Beit Hamikdash.

A miniature Beit Hamikdash

God’s chosen place for the Temple in Jerusalem

The Jewish people are commanded in the Torah to build the Beit Hamikdash, not to strengthen the Dome of the Rock.

God’s chosen place for the Temple in Jerusalem

The loss of the world as we knew it

When the Holy Temple was destroyed, the loss was of a whole way of life.

The loss of the world as we knew it

A summary of halakhot for the Three Weeks

A summary of halakhot for the Three Weeks

New video debunks belief Third Temple must be built by Messiah

Temple Institute releases video challenging belief that Jewish law mandates Third Temple must be built by Moshiach (Messiah).

New video debunks belief Third Temple must be built by Messiah

Special Temple Mount Broadcast to Promote Judaism's Holiest Site

Special annual Temple Mount Awareness Day broadcast carried live here for 3 hours from 6:00 p.m. Israel time.

Special Temple Mount Broadcast to Promote Judaism's Holiest Site