Ori Ansbacher
Ori AnsbacherCourtesy of the family

The Israeli Supreme Court has rejected the appeal of Arafat Rafaiyah, the terrorist who brutally raped and murdered Ori Ansbacher and was sentenced to life plus 20 years in prison.

Judges Yosef Elron, Ruth Ronen, and Gila Canfy-Steinitz rejected the murderer's claims that he was mentally unfit to stand trial.

On February 7th, 2019, Ansbacher, 19, went from the Yaelim Center for At-Risk Children and Teens, where she served, to the nearby forest. Rafaiyah, who was in Israel illegally, came with a knife.

The indictment stated that the terrorist "saw Ori and decided to kill her because she was Jewish. He violently and brutally attacked her."

She fought back, but he stabbed her multiple times in every part of her body.