We pray for the speedy recovery of the wounded and Hashem's protection for the soldiers and citizens of Israel.
אנו מתפללים להחלמה מהירה של הפצועים ולשמירתם של ה' על חיילי ואזרחי ישראל.
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Parashat Vayetzei
Presented By: Rav Mordechai Gershon Written by: Nir Shaul
In Parashat Vayetzei, when Yaakov travels to Charan, the angels of Eretz Yisrael are replaced with angels from outside Eretz Yisrael. When Yaakov returns to Eretz Yisrael, the angels from outside Eretz Yisrael are replaced with angels of Eretz Yisrael.
Why can't the same angels protect Yaakov whether in Eretz Yisrael or outside the Land?
1. Different places convey different spiritual influences. Service of God outside the Land is on the level of "Shun evil". In contrast, Divine service in the Land is on the level of “Do good”.
2. Angels are an allegory for Divine Providence. In Eretz Yisrael, God’s providence over Yaakov was complete, therefore he dwelt in tranquility. Outside the Land, God’s providence is less; Yaakov was saved from danger, but experienced suffering.
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Gemara Berachot 5a
Presented By: Avrum Leeder Written by: Yaakov Karmon
The Gemara Berachot quotes Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai: “G-d gave Israel three gifts and all of them were given only through suffering. The gifts are:
Torah, the Land of Israel and the World to Come.
Why would anyone want to receive a "gift" if receiving the "gift" causes "suffering"?
In order to realize the precious gifts of Torah, the Land of Israel and the World to Come, one must be committed and invest oneself in them. Otherwise, these types of gifts will not likely be kept long by the recipient.
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