Dozens of Palestinian Arabs rioted again at the fence on the Gaza border this afternoon (Tuesday).
At the same time, terrorists launched incendiary balloons towards Israeli communities near the border, which caused a fire in the area of the Sha'ar HaNegev Regional Council.
Several rioters crossed the fence from Gaza into Israeli territory, set fire to a military post, a sniper's position, and returned to Gazab territory unharmed.
Earlier today, Israel sent a message to the Hamas terrorist organization that rules the Gaza Strip through United Nations envoy Tor Wennesland, who entered Gaza via the Erez Crossing to end the recent violence on the border. Wennesland was asked to convey the message that the crossing would be reopened and the movement of Gazan laborers to and from Israel would resume only if the launching of incendiary balloons ends.
According to Israeli sources, Hamas raised another demand and called for the quota of workers to be increased by 1,500 so that every day 20,000 workers will enter Israel. At this stage, Israel did not give its consent to this demand, but Israeli officials clarified that if the peace is maintained, the possibility of increasing the worker quotas will be examined.
Yesterday, an IDF UAV struck a military post belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization. The post was located near the area from which today (Monday), assailants carried out a shooting toward IDF soldiers during a violent riot that took place in the Karni area.
Additionally, IDF soldiers responded with live fire toward an assailant who fired shots at the soldiers and hit him. No IDF injuries were reported.
Furthermore, earlier today (Monday), IDF soldiers identified two suspects who attempted to cross the security area from the southern Gaza Strip into Israeli territory. IDF soldiers apprehended the suspects and they were transferred to security forces for further questioning.