View of Amman, Jordan's capital
View of Amman, Jordan's capitalFlash 90

Here we go again. The Blind Choir's two-state hypnotic chant is predictably reaching its crescendo once more - even as Israel is barely back from dealing with Jenin's murderous squads hell-bent on randomly killing peaceful Israeli kids, moms and dads. That Two-State song has been uttered for so long that we barely pay any attention to it. We've learned to live with it like we've learned to live with that noisy garbage truck coming down the street once a week.

We end up not noticing it… up until some soloist starts raising his voice in our face. On june 14, that was China's Xi, and now it is the UN's Antonio Guterres who, with its grave ominous voice, intoned the suicide-inducing utterance. Even the USA - Israel's staunch ally - is back at humming that stinky mantra.

That Choir's diet must be quite unusual because every time one of these bards opens his mouth, a thick stench of deceitful hypocrisy fills the place. Some not so welcomed guests even have the chutzpah to come sing that jingle at the family gathering while relatives are heatedly debating at the table (Knesset).

It's unavoidable.

That chorus line is being shoved down our throat with the regularity of a backwash stubbornly bringing back its filth on the shore.

An eyesore - or should we say - an ear-sore.

It never stops.

You wonder if that's the only song they've got in their repertoire. Couldn't they sing something else for a change, like let's say Let Me Show You How by the Suicide Squad so we could laugh a little? They are well synchronised but man, are they off-key. They would surely gain from taking lessons from the Landfill Harmonic Orchestra.

The problem is that although these troubadours have a sense of rhythm, they can't even count. Indeed, the Two-State Solution they tirelessly call for, THEY ALREADY HAVE IT!! It's called Jordan and Israel. For those who have a short memory, three-quarter of the land initially allotted to Israel by the United Nations was taken away from her for the specific purpose of accommodating the 'Palestinian' Arabs who wished not to live in a Jewish State. That huge chunk of land is known today as Jordan - whose population is, unsurprisingly, mostly made up of 'Palestinian' Arabs.

Despite that, their 'solution' of has already given birth to a Three-State mess: Jordan - Gaza - Israel.

No need to be Einstein to understand that the final outcome of their Two-State scam will be the five-state chaos: 1. Jordan 2. Gaza 3. 'Palestinian' Authority 4. Israel… and 5. the Arab Enclave established for the actual Israeli Arabs citizens. No more than their 'Palestinian' brothers will these Arabs tolerate living in any but a Judenrein regime. Haven't we all recently witness their siding with Israel's enemies during the 2021 Hamas-Israel conflict? - and their killing of Israeli Jews?

The world pressures Israel into a forced marriage with a serial killer. It's about time to stop playing games and call a spade a spade. The Two-State Solution is a euphemism for 'The Murder of Israel'. Shouldn't we start referring to Jordan as 'Palestine', and its king as the 'king of Palestine' - then close that Two-State nonsense file once for all. If they want to play games, let them play alone.

Yeah, they sweet-talk us into getting a Two-State Solution as if they didn't already have it. Exactly like when the Serpent said to Adam and Eve "You will be LIKE GOD!" while they already were like God: "God created man, He made him in the LIKENESS OF GOD. Male and female He created them." (Genesis 3.5, 5.1-2)

And as soon as Adam fell into that trap, then began his demise. Thus will it also be if Israel yields another square inch of HER territory to this devious scheme.

Let them keep on hissing!

Let them bark 'Two-State Solution'.

As the saying goes: The dogs are barking… but the caravan carries on.

Marc 'Edge' Doyon is with Légende Communication, Quebec, Canada, where he is a computer graphic artist specializing in visual communication.