The Knesset Israel Victory Caucus (KIVC) and the Congressional Israel Victory Caucus (CIVC) hailed the passing into law of the Taylor Force Act, a bill written and introduced by Representative Doug Lamborn, a member of the CIVC. The legislation would stop American taxpayer dollars from funding the Palestinian Authority’s program that pays terrorists to murder innocent people, the so-called policy of “pay-to-slay”.
“Passing this crucial bill sends a clear message to the Palestinian Authority that they must accept the Jewish State,” said Rep Lamborn. “The United States will not support measures that seek to harm our ally, Israel. I am pleased to work with the Israel Victory Caucus and our counterparts in the Knesset towards our common goals, and not incentivize terrorism against it.”
CIVC Co-chair Representative Bill Johnson was an original co-sponsor when the Taylor Force Act was introduced in the House. “As the Palestinians continue to undermine the Jewish state, we must now, more than ever, reaffirm our support for Israel. This is a step in the right direction to end the conflict, and sends a strong message that the United States will not provide aid to those who fund terrorists,” said Rep. Johnson. “I am pleased that this important policy was included in the omnibus signed by the President.”
The legislation is named after Taylor Force, an American veteran who was visiting Israel when a Palestinian terrorist brutally murdered him. The killer was paid for the murder and Palestinian leadership continually praises him. A similar law is moving forward in Israel, with a law written by KIVC co-Chair MK Elazar Stern (Kulanu) passing its first reading.
“We congratulate Rep. Doug Lamborn and our colleagues in the U.S. on this important first step that it is hoped will put an end to Palestinian incitement, violence and payments to terrorists," MK Stern said. "We have a similar law that passed its first reading in the Knesset and we are delighted to be working in parallel on such an important security issue that will save lives and contribute towards peace.”
Co-Chair of the KIVC MK Oded Forer also talked about how the Israeli Government, led by Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman, is exploring ways to end Palestinian payments to terrorists and their families.
"It is extremely important that after decades of being rewarded and incentivized for its murderous and rejectionist activity, the Palestinian Authority is finally being told enough is enough,” MK Forer said. “We are working with our colleagues in the U.S. to ensure that Palestinian rejectionism and terrorism is roundly defeated, and to break the will of those who seek to perpetuate the conflict and continue the bloodshed."
Co-chair of the KIVC MK Dr. Avraham Neguise (Likud) said: "The passing of this law further demonstrates the US Administration and Congress' commitment to ensuring that the Palestinian Authority moves from rejectionism to recognition, and admits defeat in its 100 year war against Jewish self-determination and the Israeli people."
The Israel Victory Project, an initiative of the Middle East Forum (MEF), has helped in the creation of the two caucuses, who work closely together within the public and political spheres to raise awareness of a new paradigm for ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This is a paradigm which states that a political settlement may be reached only once the PA leadership ends its war of rejectionism for the very existence of Jewish sovereignty.
"This bipartisan action is a step in the right direction to end the conflict by cutting off support to an entity that refuses to accept that Israel has won its war for independence." said MEF Director Gregg Roman, "We will continue to work with our partners in the Congress and Knesset to strengthen efforts to punish Palestinian rejectionism so that the conflict can end, and we turn their rejectionism into recognition."