Police and Border Police officers on Wednesday morning arrested two Arab suspects in Jerusalem, after finding two pipe bombs and handgun ammunition hidden in a food stand at a gate of the Old City.
The incident took place at the Flower Gate, also known as Herod's Gate, which is located on the northern wall of the Old City not far from Damascus Gate that has proven to be a flash point for terror attacks in recent months.
After locating the weapons, the officers arrested two Arab suspects aged in their 40s, both residents of eastern Jerusalem.
In parallel a police bomb squad member was dispatched to neutralize the explosives.
Police have launched an investigation into the incident, to clarify whether the weapons were being stored for criminal or terrorist purposes.
In light of the lethal Arab terror wave that has been raging since last September and largely focused on the capital, roughly 4,000 police officers are patrolling Jerusalem, with around half of that number comprised of Border Police officers.
In addition, 600 police officers from outside of the city have been sent in to reinforce the security efforts.