Transportation and Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) decided on Monday morning to close Taba Crossing and not allow Israeli citizens to exit Israel to Sinai until after conclusion of the Pesach (Passover) holiday.
However, the crossing will remain open in the other direction, allowing Israelis to return from Sinai to Israel.
In addition, foreign citizens will be able to freely cross into Sinai.
Israel previously announced a travel warning to Sinai, but decided to prevent Israelis from entering Sinai after terror warnings became more severe. In addition, two terror attacks on Egyptian Coptic churches on Palm Sunday caused authorities to worry ISIS would attempt to attack Jews in the area as well,
"ISIS has continued its activities in the past several months and raised the tempo," Israel's Counter-Terrorism Bureau said. "Many of their activities in the Sinai are meant to harm Israel. ISIS in Sinai has plans to carry out terror attacks on tourists, including Israelis, in the near future."
"We request families of Israelis currently in the Sinai contact them and update them immediately regarding the threat. We also suggest Israelis who are planning to travel to Sinai refrain from doing so."
On March 27, the National Security Council's Counter-Terrorism Bureau warned that the string of spring holidays would provide an attractive target for terrorists, and recommended Israelis not plan trips to Sinai. They also said they would consider closing the crossing if the threat level rose.