
Hashemite Kingdom

News and updates about Hashemite Kingdom

UN can no longer ignore Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution

Biden’s proposal is dead in the water. Its endorsement by the Security Council in Resolution 2735 now leaves the Security Council exposed as an Emperor without clothes. Op-ed.

UN can no longer ignore Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution

King Abdullah and Abbas reject Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

The conflict and carnage will continue unabated until the UN recognizes HKOPS and resolves to attempt to implement it. Op-ed.

King Abdullah and  Abbas reject Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

Time for MBS to show courage and think out of the box

Itr is high time for MBS to come clean on Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution. Op-ed.

Time for MBS to show courage and think out of the box

The UN's sickening silence

The UN only makes noise when condemning Israel, ignoring human rights abuses everywhere else, but it also ignores peace initiatives. Op-ed.

The UN's sickening silence

Saudi US-Embassy buries Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution

Why did Nazer ignore mentioning recent highly-significant developments? Op-ed.

Saudi US-Embassy buries Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution

Google ends UN's burying Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution

The UN now needs to support the implementation of HKOPS or trash it – but can no longer simply ignore it. Op-ed.

Google ends UN's burying Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution

Rollercoaster ride to reality for Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

RIP: two-state solution. Op-ed.

Rollercoaster ride to reality for Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

Islamic Jihad may ease way for Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

Islamic Jihad has demonstrated once again how it and other similar terrorist groups can freely exist in Gaza. Time for a change. Op-ed.

Islamic Jihad may ease way for Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

Khan al-Amar showdown threatens Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

The Khan al Ahmar issue is solvable but two practical solutions were rejected by the illegal residents who seem to want confrontation. Op-ed

Khan al-Amar showdown threatens Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

An analyst discusses Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution

An analyst breaks 10 months of silence by analysts worldwide refusing to discuss the 2022 Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution. Op-ed.

An analyst discusses Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine plan threatens conflict industry

"You don’t even want to think about realistic solutions, because part of you doesn’t even want it to end.”- Norman Finkelstein.

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine plan threatens conflict industry


The EU fuels Jew-hatred ensuring continuation of conflict

Adopting the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine plan can bring that conflict to an end. Op-ed.

The EU fuels Jew-hatred ensuring continuation of conflict

MBS: Is Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution dead or alive?

And has Iran’s Ali Khamenei silently abandoned Iran’s call for the elimination of Israel and accept Israel’s reality? MBS is the key. Op-ed.

MBS: Is Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution dead or alive?

Avoid humanitarian disaster through advancing Saudi plan

Demonstrators are probably unaware of the Court’s inexplicable intrusion into decisions properly the Government’s to make.

Avoid humanitarian disaster through advancing Saudi plan


Purim spiel or a new horizon for peace?

Israel's meeting in Aqaba and the ensuing joint communique, if not a bit of playacting, suggest a move from the longterm stalemate. Op-ed.

Purim spiel or a new horizon for peace?

Are secret talks paving way for Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine?

Are there secret talks between Netanyahu and Abbas and if so, what are they about?

Are secret talks paving way for Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine?


Judges jeopardize Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine negotiations

The High Court of Justice has lobbed an unnecessary, politically-explosive time bomb into Netanyahu’s lap with Khan al Ahmar. Op-ed.

Judges jeopardize Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine negotiations

Jerusalem's holy sites under a' Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine'

Jordan is the current custodian. If the Saudi Solution be implemented, that would change. Op-ed.

Jerusalem's holy sites under a' Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine'

UN continues obscene silence on Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

Guterres is apparently more concerned with preserving this UN Jew-hating behemoth than ending the 100 years-old Arab-Jewish conflict. Op-ed.

UN continues obscene silence on Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

Jordan PLO & Hamas revise Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine Plan

There are major changes to the original version of the Saudi Plan in a revised version that has not yet been published. Op-ed.

Jordan PLO & Hamas revise Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine Plan

Are there negotiations on Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine?

Shihabi's plan is both revolutionary and ground breaking - the best plan yet presented to end the Jewish-Arab conflict.Op-ed.

Are there negotiations on Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine?

A challenge for the UN Security Council

The Security Council must discuss the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine plan. Condemning Israel is not ithe UN's raison d'etre. Op-ed.

A challenge for the UN Security Council

Israel set to uncork Hashemite Kingdom genie at UN

Among its positive points, the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine would have its capital in Amman – not Jerusalem.

Israel set to uncork Hashemite Kingdom genie at UN

Bibi must move early on Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine plan

Peace with Saudi Arabia must naturally be followed by the new plan by MBS's confidant for ending the conflict with Palestinian Arabs. Op-ed.

Bibi must move early on Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine plan

R.I.P., UN Two-state Solution

The UN’s 75 years-old failed two-State solution to end the Jewish-Arab conflict has well and truly passed its use by date.Op-ed.

R.I.P., UN Two-state Solution

Judea - not 'West Bank'

Do you know why we should say Judea instead of 'West Bank'? Do you know why Samaria is a meaningless name for Northern Judea? Op-ed.

Judea - not 'West Bank'

Ending Jew-bashing at the UN

A recently-published proposal could end the acrimonious debates against Israel at the UN. Op-ed.

Ending Jew-bashing at the UN

MBS & King Abdullah keep Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine alive

They did not show up at the Arab League Summit recently. Does that mean they reject the Arab Peace Initiative for their own? Op-ed.

MBS & King Abdullah keep Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine alive

Netanyahu victory paves way for Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

Another Arab state still remains a figment of the UN’s warped imagination today while a real solution is ignored by its Israel-haters.Op-ed.

Netanyahu victory paves way for Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

Lapid rejects Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution

One cannot expect every Israeli politician to embrace the Saudi Solution, but then they should publicly state their opposition. Op-ed.

Lapid rejects Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution

Biden and Blinken silent on Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

This latest Saudi plan supersedes the 1981 and 2002 Saudi Peace Plans. Blinken should go for it but is ignoring it. Op-ed

Biden and Blinken silent on Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

Lapid - no guts, no vision on the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

The Saudi Plan consigns the idea of a Palestinian Arab state between Israel and Jordan to the diplomatic graveyard for burial. Nu? Op-ed.

Lapid - no guts, no vision on the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine


Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine:Gantz Ignoring or ignorant?

Five questions sent to current Defense Minister and prime ministerial candidate Benny Gantz await his answers. Op-ed.

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine:Gantz  Ignoring or ignorant?

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine – Netanyahu breaks silence

Security control west of the Jordan is to be negotiated in Shihabi’s plan. Netanyahu’s demand for security control is not negotiable.Op-ed.

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine – Netanyahu breaks silence

Interviewung Saudi plan initiator, author Ali Shihabi

Will an Israeli De Gaulle emerge to endorse Mr Shihabi’s plan as part of his platform in the upcoming Israeli elections? Op-ed.

Interviewung Saudi plan initiator, author Ali Shihabi

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine:Vote winner to Lapid, Gantz, Bibi

Promising voters to negotiate with Jordan on implementing this Saudi Plan is an assured vote winner.Op-ed.

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine:Vote winner to Lapid, Gantz, Bibi

Wennesland in La-La Land ignoring Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

Tor Wennesland addressed the Security Council on the current situation without telling that body of a significant new proposal. Op-ed.

Wennesland in La-La Land ignoring Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine


UN will rue burying debate on Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

The Security Council and its vast bureaucracy certainly can not claim ignorance of the Saudi proposal.

UN will rue burying debate on Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine


The way is being paved for the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

Israel, Jordan and the PLO/PA seem to be moving along on the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine plans. Can it be? Op-ed.

The way is being paved for the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

PLO & Hamas give silent nod to Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

Accusations by a firend of MBS pulling the rug from under both the PLO and Hamas, were allowed to pass unmentioned. Why? Op-ed.

PLO & Hamas give silent nod to Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine


The Saudi Peace Plan: The Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

UN, EU, Jordan and USA keep mum on the Saudi idea of creating the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine, one that just might work.

The Saudi Peace Plan: The Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine


Tyrants, tax-havens and territory

Israel may soon face a huge expanse of territory controlled by radical Islamists, stretching from Greater Tel Aviv to Iraq and beyond.Op-ed.

 Tyrants, tax-havens and territory

Jordan reaches 100 as its ruling Hashemite dynasty implodes

Jordan reaches 100 as its ruling Hashemite dynasty implodes


Jordan’s “House of Cards”–The implications for Israel

Israel could find, along its lengthiest border, no longer a pro-Western monarchy, but an extreme, hostile Muslim regime. Op-ed.

Jordan’s “House of Cards”–The implications for Israel

The consequences of the San Remo Conference - 100 years later.

The consequences of the San Remo Conference - 100 years later.

Israeli Right does not seek overthrow of Jordan’s monarchy

Israeli Right does not seek overthrow of Jordan’s monarchy

INTO THE FRAY: Alternative Jordans?

INTO THE FRAY: Alternative Jordans?

The Hashemites are on a collision course with Trump and Israel

The Hashemites are on a collision course with Trump and Israel

INTO THE FRAY Palestine: What if the Six-Day War never took place?

INTO THE FRAY Palestine: What if the Six-Day War never took place?

For the Last Time: Jordanian King Appoints A New Prime Minister

Jordan's King Abdullah II has appointed a new prime minister – for the last time – until parliamentary elections take place.

For the Last Time: Jordanian King Appoints A New Prime Minister

New Jordanian Ambassador to Israel

Jordan is set to appoint a new ambassador to Israel for the first time in years.

New Jordanian Ambassador to Israel