הנשיא הרצוג בכותל
הנשיא הרצוג בכותלצילום: עמוס בן גרשום, לע"מ

President Isaac Herzog and First Lady Michal Herzog visited in the last hour the Western Wall, where they prayed for the wellbeing of Romi, Emily, and Doron, along with all those injured in body and spirit, and for the swift return of all the hostages.

President Isaac Herzog said: "With God's help, we will see the hostages return, today and until we see every last one of them as per the signed agreement. I wish to share in the pain and offer a heartfelt embrace to all the families enduring these very difficult days, as we are in a deal that also releases murderers. But there is no greater 'Mitzvah' (commandment) than redeeming captives."

The President placed a note in the Wall which read: "Our brothers and sisters, the entire house of Israel, who are in distress and captivity; may the Almighty have mercy on them and take them out from distress to relief, from darkness to light, and from captivity to redemption. May it be soon, in our days, and let us say, Amen.

"A heartfelt prayer for the return of all our kidnapped brothers and sisters to their homeland, every last one of them; for the success and safety of the IDF soldiers and security forces; for the healing of those wounded in body and spirit; for the recovery and unity of the people of Israel; and for the eternal rebuilding of the State of Israel after this great upheaval."