Real Talk host Hadassah Chen speaks with author Levi Shmotkin about his efforts to bring the Lubavitcher Rebbe's advice on emotional health to everyone in an engaging and relatable format.

"In challenging times filled with uncertainty and emotional strain, our faith in Hashem and the unity of the Jewish nation serve as profound sources of strength and resilience. The book Letters for Life by the young author offers invaluable insights through the collected wisdom of the Lubavitch Rebbe, providing guidance and support that can help individuals navigate their struggles," Shmotkin explains.

"The Rebbe's remarkable correspondence with individuals from diverse backgrounds around the globe has led to the creation of the extraordinary collection known as 'Igrot Kodesh.' Each letter serves as a reminder that, despite the external pressures we face, we are not alone; our community and faith can uplift and inspire us toward a brighter future."

He noted that even today, there is still value in the Rebbe's letters. "This compilation showcases the Rebbe's profound insights and personal guidance, addressing the unique challenges faced by people in various situations. Each letter reflects his deep compassion, wisdom, and commitment to uplifting and inspiring others, making 'Igrot Kodesh' not just a historical archive but a living resource for faith, encouragement, and direction in everyday life."

Letters for Life has gained widespread acclaim, receiving endorsements from psychologists, renowned writers, and rabbis alike, attesting to its profound impact and relevance. Conveniently available in various formats and locations, it serves as a vital resource for those looking to strengthen their faith and find solace in challenging times.