A landlord in Netanya has just delivered a tough blow to the Yisraeli family of Netanya, threatening them with eviction. Activists have noted that this story is particularly shocking as the family has endured three brutal years as the mother continues to battle an illness. Many in the community have attempted to help, however, the landlord would not back down.
The two children, aged three and six, are currently on the verge of losing the only home they have ever known and moving into the streets. The father Avraham Yisraeli shared, “My children are too young to remember their mother as a healthy woman. They both grew up without motherly love, and it left them very sensitive. They desperately need the stability of their home in their upside-down lives. ”
The mother’s illness has drained the family's finances and severely limited the father's ability to work. In a public letter, the father wrote, “These past 3 years have been brutal for me, but the hardest blow has been financially. I don’t have a penny to my name, if we lose this home, we’ll simply be on the streets.”
With no other option, a fund has been set up to save the young family from homelessness. Public figures have called upon the public to help, with Rabbi Efrayim Duani shlita and Chacham Ovadya Cohen shlita writing, “We vouch for him [personally], and recommend with all our hearts that you assist him with whatever he needs.”
Destitute after his wife’s illness, without help from the public Avraham and his children will be victims of eviction.
To save two fragile children from being forced into the streets, CLICK HERE TO DONATE.