Graves in Poland. Archive
Graves in Poland. ArchiveHezki Baruch

The Krakow police arrested a suspect in the destruction of the tombstone of the Jewish educator Sara Schenirer.

According to the local police, the suspect did not plan on desecrating the tombstone but to steal equipment from a construction company that was performing maintenance work in the cemetery, and on his way out he knocked over the tombstones.

According to the administrators of the former Plaszow concentration camp site, he also damaged two other places in the Jewish cemetery.”

"We are grateful that the circumstances of this incident were clarified so quickly. The museum is in ongoing contact with the police to decide on the next steps."

About two weeks ago, the police reported that unknown people smashed the tombstone of Jewish educator Sarah Schenirer in the Jewish cemetery adjacent to the former Plaszow concentration camp in Krakow.

A spokesman for the Krakow police, Peter Speich, told local media that "the place has now been secured and we are trying to identify the perpetrators of the act."