Biden condemns 'vile' desecration of Ohio Jewish graves
US President says administration will support investigators to hold accountable vandals who desecrated about 200 graves in Jewish cemeteries near Cincinnati.
US President says administration will support investigators to hold accountable vandals who desecrated about 200 graves in Jewish cemeteries near Cincinnati.
Vandals damage nearly 200 gravestones in Tifereth Israel Cemetery and Beth Hamedrash Hagadol Cemetery in Covedale. FBI taking part in the investigation.
Vandals arrange stones over graves at Kehal Israel cemetery in Montreal into the shape of a swastika. B'nai Brith Canada calls on mayor to take action.
According to the local police, the suspect stole equipment from a construction company that was performing maintenance work in the cemetery and on his way out he knocked over the tombstones.
During anti-Israel protest blocking major road in Los Angeles, protestors deface cemetery where about 100,000 US military veterans are buried with anti-Israel graffiti.
Security increased at Belgian Jewish institutions after unknown vandals steal Stars of David from Jewish graves in city of Charleroi.
Breslov leaders, local Jewish community say archaeologists desecrating graves of 30,000 Jews killed in 1768 massacre.
Investigation underway after severe damage to Connecticut cemetery in operation since 19th century.
Multiple graves, including those of Jewish Holocaust victims, defaced in cemetery in Southern France.
At least 81 headstones in 600-year-old Hasköy Cemetery badly damaged by teens between ages of 11 and 13.
Police open hate crime investigation after headstones at New South Wales cemetery defaced with swastikas and paint.
One of only two Jewish cemeteries still operating in Serbia vandalized with swastikas and anti-Jewish symbols.
Marble plaques bearing names of 1,800 Jews who were buried in Libya and whose graves were destroyed unveiled in Prima Porta Cemetery.
Vandalism of Waukegan, Illinois cemetery also includes message supporting Kanye West.
36 headstones at Turkish Jewish cemetery damaged by vandals.
Community in shock after dozens of headstones in older part of cemetery vandalized.
Vandalism follows similar incident that occurred three years ago.
Large number of Jewish headstones knocked over in cemetery in Saxony-Anhalt, causing significant damage.
Rising antisemitic vandalism in France has led to a program where volunteers guard historic Jewish sites in Alsace region.
Destruction was discovered by Rabbi Yisrael Meir Gabbai of the Oholei Tzadikim organization.
Jews, Christians and Muslims come together to paint over swastikas in Argentinian Jewish cemetery.
Thieves caught trying to take over 200 Jewish headstones from Argentine Jewish cemetery.
St Louis Park synagogue forced to cancel services and preschool after violent threat while 30 tombstones in St Paul Jewish cemetery toppled.
Mass vandalism at Tablada Cemetery in the Buenos Aires area discovered just before Rosh Hashannah.
Cemetery in city of Ioannina, vandalized multiple times in the past, was found with damage to a tomb.
Local police investigating after headstones broken, knocked over by unknown individuals.
Large grounds home to burial plots from over 10 local congregations hit with anti-Semitic vandalism that has since been cleaned up.
Threatening note left on the gates of the Bielsko-Biała Jewish cemetery less than 2 weeks after 67 of its headstones were vandalized.
19th-century Jewish cemetery vandalized for 3rd time since 2015.
Member of neo-Nazi group sentenced for his part in covering Jewish cemetery in red paint during Passover.
Cemetery that was previously vandalized in 2019 has its chapel window broken with rocks.
2 Jewish cemeteries in Eastern Europe see headstones smashed in anti-Semitic incidents.
Incident that caused approximately $20,000 in damages described as "distressing" by the United Synagogue.
Ten gravestones, some dating back to the 1870s, were vandalized and toppled at Northern Irish cemetery.
Extremists may have burned flags, wreaths, at IDF cemetery. 'They're a provocative handful, don't deserve to be called haredim,' MK says.
In unusual twist, none of the affected graves belonged to Jews.
Multiple headstones were destroyed at the Jewish cemetery of Malyn in Ukraine
5 headstones smashed at Moldova cemetery which has been repeatedly targeted in recent years.
'Jews out' painted at Jewish cemetery near Athens days before verdict in murder trial of neo-Nazi.
Third case of vandalism at a Polish Jewish cemetery this month reported in southern Poland, after 20 tombstones damaged.
Community intends to restore headstones, then lay them flat, burial society head says.
White nationalist symbols spray-painted at Jewish and African American cemeteries in Virginia.
Jewish cemetery in St. Petersburg vandalized. Police investigating case, but have no suspects or security camera footage.
After state builds highway cutting Jewish town of Yarhiv off from its cemetery, Arabs desecrate site, dump garbage and drugs there.
About 20 gravestones in cemetery in Aude region vandalized with swastikas and the words “Death to Jews”.
Police, Jewish community of Worms say vandalism of ancient cemetery was work of crazy person who escaped custody, not anti-Semitism.
Ancient Jewish cemetery in Worms, Germany vandalized, with dozens of graves shattered and desecrated.
Fountain in California dedicated to Holocaust survivors toppled and smashed.
Anti-Semitic message spray-painted onto wall of Jewish cemetery in southern Poland, a year after previous vandalism.
Vandals paint swastikas in front of Jewish cemetery where Holocaust survivors and WWII veterans are buried, report says.
41-year-old Rishon Letzion resident arrested after signs of digging found at grave of soldier killed in block-throwing attack last week.
Father of Sgt. Amit Ben Yigal visits cemetery with military officials after signs of digging reported at his son's grave.
Gravestones toppled, broken in 19th century Jewish cemetery in Shoumen.
Significant damage done to a dozen graves in Jewish cemetery of Bayonne.
Tombs smashed, commemorative plaque broken as graves desecrated in Jewish cemetery in southwestern France.
Chief Rabbi of Strasbourg comments on vandalism of Jewish cemetery in Westhoffen: Police have to find a way to deal with the vandals.
More than 100 graves found covered with swastikas and anti-Semitic graffiti at a Jewish cemetery near Strasbourg in eastern France
Police request public's aid in locating perpetrators after vandals topple, break, headstones at Omaha cemetery.
Someone appears to have put dead chickens in a Jewish grave in Connecticut.
Police investigate after cemetery caretaker discovers 35 smashed headstones.