Following the deadly shooting attack near Huwara yesterday, the Binyamin Regional Council this morning (Monday) called on the region’s residents to participate in a show of support and solidarity with the Yaniv family, who this afternoon traveled south from Har Bracha, through Binyamin, on their way to the funeral of the two brothers, Hillel and Yagel in the Mt. Herzl military cemetery in Jerusalem.

Many area residents gathered at the major intersections along Route 60 – at Ofra, at the traffic circle beside the gas station at Ma’avar Mikhmas, at Eli and at Shilo.

Binyamin Regional Council employees also participated in this show of support, standing at the Sha’ar Binyamin intersection with students from Kochav Yaakov girls high school, waving Israeli flags.

In a memo to employees this morning, Binyamin Regional Council Governor Israel Ganz wrote: “We all feel the heartache over the murder of the brothers Hillel and Yagel, and the uprising of the Arab enemy against each and every one of us. Out of a desire to offer our moral support to the Yaniv family and to bolster our own spirit and that of the Jewish People, we, the regional council employees, will go to the Sha’ar Binyamin intersection, to be with the family on their journey. I will attend the funeral at Mt. Herzl, as a representative or you and all Binyamin residents. We pray that the Jewish People will gather its inner strength and defend itself from its enemies, with pride in the righteousness of its path,” wrote Ganz.

As the Yaniv family drove home from the funeral, many Binyamin residents also rallied at the intersections along Route 60, waving flags in a show of support.