MK Vaturi
MK VaturiIsrael National News

In light of the recent reports of rampant sexual harassment against female prison guards, including a state comptroller study showing that one out of four female guards in the prisons' security and terrorist prisoners' wing is sexually harassed, MK Nissim Vaturi (Likud) submitted a bill prohibiting female soldiers from being stationed in prisons.

The current legal situation allows the Minister of Defense, with the consent of the Minister of Public Security, to order the placement of draftees aged 18 to 29 in prison units housing terrorist detainees.

MK Vaturi noted in his explanatory remarks to the bill that, "a special report by the state comptroller on the subject of the protection of female soldiers and conscripts in the units of the Ministry of Public Security that was recently published on the matter reveals a bleak picture according to which no one bothers to protect them from harassment by terrorists serving prison time, even though these harassments continue even after they have completed their service."

Vettori added that the bill is "intended to protect them from the recurrence of such cases in the future".