Hunter Biden needed a hug. He wouldn’t get it from the New York Post. That’s who exposed the sordid details about him.
The Post ran it front page, how Hunter got rich allegedly sponging millions from China and Ukraine just by showing up with his father, then-VP Joe Biden.
“Influence peddling,” wrote the Post, about shady deals that may, or may not, have corrupted the future president himself.
This was a big story, so big that the 2020 Election hung in the balance. So big that if it ran in The New York Times, the Pulitzer Prize would have been automatic.
Instead, it ran in the New York Post…and only the New York Post. Soon picked up by Fox News, but only Fox News.
The rest of the media along with Big Tech suppressed it, so most of the country was kept in the dark about something that could have changed everything.
That was back in October, when the election could still have gone either way. People were still making up their minds.
Jack Dorsey at Twitter now says it was a mistake to have muzzled the Post’s Hunter story…now, after the damage. Clever, how these types work this yo-yo of damage and regret.
Today, we learn, that some 47 percent never heard of Hunter’s follies…not until now…when it’s too late…and that one out of five would not have voted for Biden had they been briefed.
The fix was in, and never before had the media so deliberately cooked an election. They were all in on it together. (For the full picture of media mendacity, this.)
Slowly now, the truth is starting to trickle out, thanks to Hunter himself, who cannot seem to stay out of trouble….in and out with drugs and relationships.
He’s been quiet all these months, but he’s got a book to sell, so he’s a player again, but where to play his game of catch-me-if-you can?
Where to go pitching his brand-new two-million-dollar book?
Certainly not Fox News, and definitely not the New York Post.
They might ask tough questions. They might not buy his evasive answers. They might not fall for his act of being just a boy…and boys will be boys.
He is 51-years-old, for crying out loud.
But here is where he can pull it off, on CBS and the other mainstream channels… and here is how we learn the way it works between the two different Americas.
If they catch you being corrupt in the few conservative news outlets, the NY Post/Fox News, you wait it out.
You leave it to Big Media to come bail you out and rehab your good or bad name.
Just another case of Liberals all in it together.
Come to Big Media. Big Momma will make everything good.
So, Hunter’s first stop, on the road to rehab his reputation, was with reporter Tracy Smith at CBS Sunday Morning where he was evasive about practically everything…everything pertinent.
The laptop that contained revealing emails about his business dealings…maybe it’s his, maybe it isn’t. He is not sure.
We are expected to believe this; a grown man, and he doesn’t know.
The reporter, a grown woman, did not press him on this, as this would take us to Ukraine and China, and whether he walked off with a fortune from those places.
Did he, or didn’t he? Well…it’s complicated.
Best to leave that alone…and she did.
One more tiny detail…{from another show)…did his father share any of that loot? Dear Old Dad – never. Not a penny. Honest.
Back to the drugs then, and his struggles to kick the habit, poor boy, and this was how it was left, for America to sympathize with this desperate child…51-years-old.
In the end, the cameras caught him wiping his eyes…then, cue the tears.
That’s how it’s done.
New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes regularly for Arutz Sheva.
He wrote the worldwide book-to-movie bestseller “Indecent Proposal,” the authoritative newsroom epic, “The Bathsheba Deadline,” followed by his coming-of-age classics, “The Girls of Cincinnati,” and, the Holocaust-to-Montreal memoir, “Escape from Mount Moriah.” For that and his 1960s epic “The Days of the Bitter End,” contemporaries have hailed him “The last Hemingway, a writer without peer, and the conscience of us all.” Website: www.jackengelhard.com