Former New York Assemblyman Dov Hkind blamed the left for a recent spate of anti-Semitic attacks in New York following a mass stabbing at a Monsey Synagogue.
"There is a cost for hate speech," Hikind told Fox and Friends Monday morning. "When you have the Farrakhans of the world, when you have members of the United States Congress, Tlaib, Oman, AOC, when you have them indulging in hate speech themselves - and they get away with it."
"There's a new standard. One is for anti-Semitism and one is for other types of hate, Unfortunately, people within my party - I'm a Democrat - within the Democratic party, there's a double standard. The hate, the anti-Semitism that emanates from within the left, you do't hear anything."
"Even the Mayor of New York has continued to call the hate as coming from the right. All the hate in New York is coming from the left!
"Mr. Mayor, you're responsible. You're the leader of this city. The acts of anti-Semitism that have happened in New York have nothing to do with the right, have nothing to do with the president. Take responsibility and deal with it instead of blaming Washington," Hikind also told Fox News.
US President Donald Trump agreed with Hikind on Twitter.
"Thank you to highly respected Jewish leader Dov Hikind for his wonderful statements about me this morning on @foxandfriends," the president wrote.