'It depends on us.' Rabbi Lau
'It depends on us.' Rabbi LauHezki Ezra

Speaking with Arutz Sheva about the United Nations vote against American recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, Chief Rabbi David Lau said that the connection between Israel and Jerusalem does not require proof or confirmation, yet it is important to remember that the strength of connection to Jerusalem in the eyes of the world depends on what Israel does.

Rabbi Lau brought up the Mishnaic passage that “In the times leading to the messianic era, the truth will be hidden” to people, even as it stands in plain view for all to see.

"The connection between Jerusalem and the Jewish people does not need proof. In the Bible it is mentioned hundreds of times, the dream of every Jew throughout the years and in all prayers is always Jerusalem. Yet here are people who think they are they have a deeper understanding and ignore the ancient connection. That reassures us, it seems we are indeed in times leading to the messianic era.”

Rabbi Lau added, "I must emphasize one thing, it is less important to me what they say. It is more important what we do. When we are unified and it is completely clear to us how Jerusalem is our capital and how important this city is to us [...] when we are steadfast, [less countries] will condemn us. How we act is most important. And we hope for aid from Heaven.”