A resident of Ma’alot and volunteer EMT with United Hatzalah Mordechai Mammon attended a friend’s party last week on Monday in a wedding hall in Akko. During the event, the drummer of the hall, Avraham Shitrit, choked on a piece of steak that he was eating. Mammon rushed over and performed the Heimlich maneuver on Shitrit a number of times and finally succeeded in expunging the blockage from Shitrit’s throat, shortly before Shitrit lost consciousness. The entire incident was caught by the security cameras of the wedding hall.

The footage shows Shitrit choking, attempting to breathe and cough to dislodge the blockage and even trying to take a drink. At this point, those around him noticed that he was in distress and tried unsuccessfully to help him.

One of the other celebrants alerted Mammon to what was happening as it was occurring behind him, after which, Mammon proceeded to perform the Heimlich numerous times before finally removing the piece of meat from his throat.

After the incident, Mammon said: “This is the realization of a dream. I became an EMT to help save lives after my sister was killed in a car accident. I joined up to do things just like this and on Monday I got that chance.”

Shitrit said that: “I felt like I was going to die. Mordechai saved my life.”

This past week, Mammon and Shitrit met up once again and Shitrit thanked Mammon for saving his life.