Over two hundred inquiries have been directed to the Israel Dog Unit (IDU) since the slaughter in Neve Tzuf this Shabbat, as opposed to one or two inquiries per week previously, according to Mike Ben-Yaakov, Commander of the Unit.
In order to expeditiously accommodate everyone's needs and organize the groundswell, the IDU will be holding a conference in Ichud Hatzala's Jerusalem headquarters tomorrow (Thursday). In it, explanations will be offered on how dogs can save lives.
The IDU released a statement about the conference: "If you are a security officer - who wants to upgrade the perimeter defense in your community, and is interested in a patrol dog to prevent infiltrations into your settlement - it is very important that you come to hear the options.
"If you are a family owner - who wants to add an effective tool in the defense of your home/family, and wants to know how a dog can help protect your home/family - do not miss the opportunity to hear details and ask questions.
"If you are a member of a first-response squad - who wants to respond better in an anti-terror incident, and wants to learn how a dog is able to detect suspicious movement outside the settlement and how to comb an area with a patrol dog without exposing yourself to unnecessary risks ... you must attend this important conference.
Video about placing a security dog in different situations:
Video about a friendly dog who lives with a family and protects the family from any stranger who tries to break into the house: