The convention of kashrut supervisors was held yesterday in the Rambam synagogue in Hadera, where a new kashrut plan for the state of Israel was presented by Israel’s Chief Rabbi David Lau.
“The moment we act for the sake of heaven - we know that God is with us,” he said at the convention.
Rabbi Yisrael Bitton, the son of Rabbi Shimon Bitton, opened the convention by saying, “We are interested in raising the level of kashrut, so that we can also eat at the places we supervise.”
Chairman of the Chief Rabbinate Moshe Dagan presented the new kashrut plan, and noted to those present that the present time was a significant one for the state kashrut system, as there are those who wish to privatize one of the most important benefits of there being a Jewish State - that being a centralized supervision system for kashrut with a high standard instead of various private initiatives; he therefore called to internalize the importance of the time and contribute to the success of the plan in particular, and the Chief Rabbinate and its local branches in general.