MK A-Sana (center) arrives at court.
MK A-Sana (center) arrives at court.Israel news photo: Flash 90

The Jerusalem District Court refused Thursday to issue a temporary injunction ordering the Google search engine to block access to a movie mocking Mohammed. The injunction was requested by five leading Arab figures, including MK Taleb A-Sana (Ra'am Ta'al).

Judge Miriam Mizrachi determined that the next court session in the case would be held October 15. She gave Google Israel until October 9 to complete its response to the Arabs' motion.

A lawyer for Google told the court that the company is not responsible for content that is published on the YouTube video sharing site, nor does it have legal responsibility for the results of Google searches.

The lawyer for the petitioners said that Google operates YouTube and that Google Israel can be at least told to refrain from allowing the film to be accessible in Israel.

"Freedom of expression does not mean unlimited freedom to humiliate and demean a person," the motion stated. "For Muslims this strikes at the core of their essence, it hurts their personal and collective dignity..."