The two terror attacks of last night and this morning have brought on a wave of reactions, most blaming the government for having removed security checkpoints.
One policemen has died - one is listed as seriously wounded - after being shot south of Hevron last night, and a physically handicapped man was thrown from his car and treated in a hospital in the Shomron (Samaria). The terrorists in both incidents are assumed to have traveled unhindered through recently-removed checkpoints.
The town of Otniel, in the South Mt. Hevron region where the shooting attack took place, released this statement: “Those who opened, just less than a month ago, the Dahariya checkpoint, with the knowledge that the place would become a refuge for murderers, cannot now lift his eyes heavenward and say, “Our hands did not spill this blood.’ [a Biblical term, ed.] Just a few years ago on this very route there were several attacks, but once the Dahariya route was blocked, we saw a drastic drop in such attacks. Once again, we see that ‘goodwill gestures’ to the Palestinian Authority cost us in blood.”
MK Michael Ben-Ari (National Union): “The handwriting had been written on the wall in blood. Opening the checkpoints and crossings encourages terrorism and gives terrorists a free hand.”
MK Uri Ariel (National Union): “As we warned, opening the security checkpoints leads to terrorist attacks. Our security policy has to change to become one that puts the citizens’ safety in the center.”
Women in Green/Judea Action Committees: “Every cave-in brings terrorism: When we left Gaza, we got Hamas. When we fight terrorists with paintball guns, the world arises against us… When we take away checkpoints, the Arabs benefit and the Jews pay with their lives, when we forbid Jews to build and expand, the Arabs take over the land, and when we abandon the Adurayim Base in South Mt. Hevron, the Arabs understand that the way is clear to get rid of the Jews… We call to return to a strong stand for our natural rights to the Land of Israel, and to start acting like a sovereign in his own land. The government and the man at its helm must draw strength from the People of Israel, which exhibits strength and patriotism.”
Tzviki Bar-Chai, Chairman of the South Mt. Hevron Regional Council: “The three policemen who were wounded in the attack this morning are victims of [Defense Minister Ehud] Barak and Bibi [Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu]’s policies of removing checkpoints. It’s time for our political leadership to understand what everyone has already understood long ago, and that is that good-will gestures and removing checkpoints simply increase terrorism and destabilize our security.”