Distributing food and water after the fast
Distributing food and water after the fastWestern Wall Heritage Foundation

Some 100,000 people visited the Western Wall during Tisha B'Av (9th of Av), during which the Nation of Israel mourns the destruction of the First and Second Temples.

The throngs of people prayed, read the Book of Lamentations on the eve of the fast and said kinot (lamentations) near the site of the destruction.

The Western Wall Heritage Foundation said, "It was moving to see tens of thousands sitting on the floor and mourning the destruction of the House of God each according to his specific tradition, as is appropriate for that unifying place where there are no barriers between different communities."

At the end of the fast, the Foundation distributed food and drink. Rescue forces were stationed throughout the day at the Western Wall plaza to provide help when needed.

Jerusalem Police secured the crowds both at the Western Wall plaza and along the roads leading to it, ensuring that people arrived safely to pray at the ancient wall that was an outer boundary of the Second Temple compound.