Soldiers in Gaza
Soldiers in GazaIsrael news photo: Flash 90

A senior IDF officer in the southern front said Monday that Egyptian forces are working "tirelessly" to prevent infiltrations into Israel. His tone contradicted the one sounded earlier by Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who held Egypt responsible for the incident and ties the recent escalation along the border to Egyptian ineffectiveness against terrorists in the Sinai Peninsula.

"The results could have been worse and a larger terror attack was thwarted, because the attack took place next to communities in the area," Col. Tal Hermoni, Commander of the Southern Brigade in the Gaza Division, told reporters Monday.

"We have been in a race against time to seal off the border in the course of the last year," he explained, adding that the terrorists took advantage of foggy conditions to cross the border.

"We have a god relationship with the Egyptians, who work tirelessly to thwart such attacks," he added.