In 2005, I wrote an article prior to the expulsion and destruction of Gush Katif that was published in the Jerusalem Post warning about the missiles that would hit the south of Israel if the Disengagement Plan was implemented. It is not consoling that I was right. It is, however, infuriating to witness the silence of all those who supported,

The government of Israel is willing to allow seven years of missile attacks on civilian populations.

pushed and enacted the needless and dangerous expulsion of our families from flourishing Jewish communities.

Where are all those wise men today who shouted about the importance of the so-called "disengagement"? Not one word about the result of this horrific political tactic by a prime minister and his fellow politicians carried out for their own greed and ambition. This horrific political tactic turned the south of Israel into a target for missiles and rockets, and turned thousands of patriots into refugees.

Where is the investigative reporting that should now be conducted about the needless entrance of our soldiers into the sands of Gaza just to give a show as if the government is attempting to resolve the situation that they themselves created? That the pitiful facade of committees following the disastrous Lebanese war did not demand that each and every one of the politicians and military personnel responsible leave office is typical of the situation we are living through today.

Each and every human life is so precious and irreplaceable, and yet the government of Israel is willing to allow seven years of missile attacks on civilian populations without resolving the situation, relying on miracles to prevent deaths. I do not see any difference between the fire on our communities in Gush Katif or the missile fire on Sderot, Netivot and Ashkelon.

Instead of the media targeting the government for causing the situation and instead of the media targeting the government for the continuous charade of talks with one of the sworn enemies of Israel, Abu Mazen, the media is giving a platform to our enemies. Meanwhile, our civilian population is under attack and our missing are still unaccounted for. But we do hear the enemy report on our radio an account of the casualties caused by Israeli attacks, without any mention of the fact that the terrorists use civilians, including women and children, as shields. What other normal country would allow the enemy to spread propaganda on national radio (including on the army's

She is unwilling to sacrifice her soldiers in order to make headlines.

station) and allow for demonstrations against it while under attack, while innocent people are being injured and killed?

In a normal situation, Israel would divide Gaza into areas that would be marked and, following any firing of missiles from a given area, it would give the locals 48 hours to clear out of the area before coming in and leveling it. After a few of these areas were cleared, the attacks would stop; the terrorists would finally realize that Israel will not tolerate fire on her civilian population, and that she is unwilling to sacrifice her soldiers in order to make headlines instead of actually resolving the intolerable situation.

Where is that one voice of honesty, as in the fable of the Emperor and his New Clothes; that small child to finally call out, "But the emperor is naked!" I, for one, demand that each and every leader responsible for this miserable situation leave office and never return. I know that I am not alone in this. For the emperor is naked and must be forced to take responsibility for his mistakes.